Basically a robot is a machine which moves, manipulates, joins or processes _____in the same way as human hand or arm.
【单选题】 In Dreiser’s Sister Carrie, which of the following statements is NOT true about the characters in the story?
①  At the end of the story, Hurstwood’sfamily are enjoying a happy life without him.
②  Being unable to make a decent living, Hurstwood at last commits suicide.
③  In spite of her success as a famous actress Carrie does not feel happy.
④  Carrie becomes rich and helps Hurstwood out of his difficulty.
【判断题】 In dehumanization, a human being is generally reduced into a lifeless object or an inanimate machine. It is roughly the opposite of personification.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You can experience a fast internet connection in()the same way as you do in the office.
①  more
②  much
③  better .
④  most
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]5. As we gather once again among loved ones, let us also[填空1]to our neighbors and fellow citizens in need of a helping hand.
【单选题】 _______ is a figurative technique by which non-living objects such as things and ideas are endowed with the traits, feelings, actions, characteristics, and even languages of human beings.
①  Personification
②  Dehumanization
③  Onomatopoeia
④  Hyperbole
【单选题】 In depiction of his characters, Dickens is famous for_____.
①  those innocent, virtuous, persecuted, hopeless child characters
②  those horrible and grotesque characters
③  those broadly humorous or comical ones
④  all the above
【单选题】 What are the five components of communicative competence?
①  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
②  Linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy
③  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and fluency
④  grammar competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence and accuracy.
【单选题】 A note has three essential components the addressee, the sender and [].
①  date
②  solution
③  message
④  complimentary close
【填空题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]4. If you dont lace up your shoes, youll[填空1].
【简答题】 Direction: Fill in the blanks with thephrases given below. Change the form if necessary.[ought to; look forward to; in wonder; give way to; look down; on the way to; reach out; put one’s arm around; trip over; cut into]6. We[填空1]hearing from you soon.
【简答题】 [填空]是对象的性质,借助于它我们能对类与对象和结构有更深入更具体的认识。
【单选题】 ()反映的是多个对象之间的交互关系。它着重表现对象间消息传递的时间顺序,顺序图有两个坐标轴,纵轴表示时间,横轴表示不同的对象。
①  状态图
②  活动图
③  顺序图
④  协作图
【单选题】 最早用于科学计算的程序设计语言是( )。
②  Smalltalk
【单选题】 一个类提供的公共服务一般不超过( )个。
①  1
②  3
③  5
④  7
【单选题】 程序设计语言的工程特性之一为( )。
①  软件的可重用性
②  数据结构的描述性
③  抽象类型的描述性
④  数据库的易操作性
【单选题】 ()就是要求某个对象执行在定义它的那个类中所定义的某个操作的规格说明,是对象间的交互手段。
②  方法
③  消息
④  封装
【多选题】 绝大多数需求陈述具有()特性。
①  二义性
②  不完整
③  不一致
④  明确性
【多选题】 确定关联的主要步骤有()
①  初步确定关联
②  再次确定关联
③  筛选
④  进一步完善
【多选题】 对象的主要特点有()。
①  以数据为中心
②  实现了数据封装
③  本质上具有并行性
④  模型独立性好
【多选题】 面向对象分析需要完成()任务。
①  与用户进行充分沟通,全面理解和分析用户需求
②  识别解决问题的对象集合及对象间的关系
③  定义类并建立类间的层次关系
④  通过建立模型来表示对象之间的关系及行为特性