Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism _____he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.
for him to
【单选题】 The only pleasure that Einstein ____ his great fame was the ability it gave him to help others.
①  resulted from
②  stirred up
③  turned out
④  derived from
【简答题】 Who was the old man? And what was he doing when they saw him?
【单选题】 He was totally not aware when the thief _____ his wallet from him.
①  tricked
②  stole
③  robbed
④  deceived
【单选题】 If only he __________ what I tell him, but he won’t.
①  had done
②  would do
③  would have done
④  has done
【单选题】 17. ______ that the South African writer John Coetzee won the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2003.
①  Theyrereported
②  Hesreported
③  Werereported
④  Itsreported
【判断题】 When I saw him, he was cleaninging his room.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 The eldest child is thoroughly ____ because they always give him whatever he wants.
①  wasted
②  spoiled
③  destroyed
④  uneducated
【单选题】 When father was young, he ______from morning till night.
①  was made work
②  was made working
③  made to work
④  was made to work
【单选题】 It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.
①  when he
②  that he
③  and he
④  he
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 甲、乙、丙、丁对公司债务承担无限连带清偿责任?7、?以下几种出资形态中,符合《公司法》规定的是哪一种?
①  劳务出资
②  管理技能出资
③  信用出资
④  非专利技术出资
【单选题】 在我国《公司法》中,对公司监事的任期是怎样规定的?
①  可以由公司章程中确定,但不得超过3年,且不能连选连任
②  可以由公司章程中确定,但不得超过3年,且可连选连任
③  任期为法定的3年,不得由公司章程更改,且可连选连任
④  任期为法定的3年,不得由公司章程更改,但不得连选连任
【单选题】 有限责任公司股东最高人数为哪一种?
①  19人
②  30人
③  20人
④  50人
【单选题】 有限责任公司的股东会进行决议时,对公司修改章程、公司合并分立、公司解散等特别事项表决时,应采用何种决议规则?
①  以出席股东会的股东2/3以上表示同意
②  以出席股东会的股东所持表决权的2/3以上通过
③  以全体股东所持表决权的2/3以上通过
④  以全体股东的2/3以上表示同意
【单选题】 在我国,普通有限责任公司的设立采取的是什么方式?
①  核准主义
②  准则主义
③  任意主义
④  许可主义
【单选题】 发起人持有本公司股份,自公司成立之日起,不得转让的期限为什么?
①  1年内
②  2年内
③  3年内
④  4年内
【单选题】 属于典型的人合公司的是哪一个?
①  有限责任公司
②  股份有限公司
③  两合公司
④  无限公司
【单选题】 股东大会是股份有限公司的必设机构,其特征为什么?
①  由有表决权的全体股东所组成
②  是公司的执行机构
③  是公司的权力机构
④  属于常设机构
【单选题】 两家国有企业设立了一有限责任公司。该公司董事会中的职工代表应由如何产生?
①  股东会选举产生
②  公司职工民主选举产生
③  监事会指定
④  工会指定
【单选题】 创立大会有符合哪种情形出席,方可举行?
①  代表股份总数1∕2以上的认股人
②  1∕2以上的认股人
③  代表股份总数2∕3以上的认股人
④  2∕3以上的认股人