Physics is the present day equivalent of _____used to be called natural philosophy, form _____most of present day science arose.
which, what
that, which
what, which
what, that
【单选题】 She took it as an insult which wasn’t at all what I( ).
①  intend
②  intended
③  has intended
④  had intended
【单选题】 -- What day is today?-- Today is ______ .
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 What [填空] important day!
①  an
②  a
③  the
④  /
【单选题】 —What day is today?—Today is____.
①  March 25th
②  Saturday
③  fine
④  cold
【单选题】 This article deals with the natural phenomenon which __________ most interesting to everyone.
①  are
②  is
③  they are
④  it is
【判断题】 A: What day is it today? B: December 24.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 China is no longer which it used to be.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, which is ______.
①  lyrical poetry with chanting refrains
②  poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme
③  poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat
④  poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings
【单选题】 What are very commonly used teaching procedures and stages?
①  Presentation, practice and production
②  Pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading
③  Mechanical practice and meaningful practice
④  Both A and B.
【单选题】 It is what you do rather than what you say ___ matters.
①  that
②  what
③  which
④  this
【单选题】 儿童使用词的频率从高到低的顺序依次是()
①  助词、代词、副词、介词
②  代词、副词、助词、介词
③  介词、副词、助词、代词
④  副词、代词、助词、介词
【单选题】 已知某两种商品的交叉弹性等于1.8,则这两种商品是( )。
①  独立品
②  替代品
③  补充品
④  完全替代品
【单选题】 消费者剩余是指( )。
①  供给曲线以下,均衡价格以上部分
②  需求曲线以下,均衡价格以上部分
③  需求曲线以上,均衡价格以下部分
④  供给曲线以上,均衡价格以下部分
【判断题】 <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/B99276BD797BB437DE4AA494979578F8.png title=11.png alt=11.png/>
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/B553B6360803F7157244D35C0010C09A.png title=12.png alt=12.png/>
①  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/825969AC2873691A5A78F2873D348F9F.png title=12-1.png alt=12-1.png/>
②  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/33FC5F64DAC42D5195CEC7E601274DA5.png title=12-2.png alt=12-2.png/>
③  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/E42337F0AFA2B07B2155231B95ACBC1B.png title=12-3.png alt=12-3.png/>
④  <img src=https://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/2BB0EC2AB3334DD984F32093DEBD11DE.png title=12-4.png alt=12-4.png/>
【判断题】 在全国工业普查中,全国所有工业企业是统计总体,每个工业企业是总体单位
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 采用重点调查搜集资料时,选择的调查单位是标志值较大的单位。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 复合分组是
①  用同一标志对两个或两个以上的总量层叠起来进行分组
②  对某一总体选择一个复杂的标志进行分组
③  对同一总体选择两个或两个以上的标志层叠起来进行分组
④  对同一总体选择两个或两个以上的标志并列起来进行分组
【多选题】 甲、乙、丙准备设立一家普通合伙企业,在其拟定的合伙协议中的下列内容,不符合规定的有( )。
①  A.以劳务出资的甲对企业债务承担有限责任
②  B.企业名称中只标明“合伙”字样
③  C.由乙执行企业事务
④  D.出资最多的丙有权修改合伙协议
【单选题】 函证的所有权归( ) 所有。
①  注册会计师
②  会计师事务所
③  被审计单位
④  被审计单位的管理层