【单选题】 免疫防御功能低下的机体易发生
①  肿瘤
②  超敏反应
③  移植排斥反应
④  反复感染
【单选题】 免疫监视功能低下的后果是
①  易发生肿瘤
②  易发生超敏反应
③  易发生感染
④  易发生自身免疫病
【单选题】 免疫器官功能都减低(防御、稳定、监护),是易发生感染性疾病和肿瘤的原因之一。
【单选题】 小儿高热易发生
①  昏迷
②  消瘦
③  惊厥
④  失水
【单选题】 老年期易发生尿路感染的生理原因为
①  膀胱括约肌萎缩、松弛,控制排尿困难
②  易出现尿频、尿失禁
③  易出现尿液反流
④  以上都是
【单选题】 牛采食大量的易发酵的多汁青草易发生().
①  A.瘤胃积食
②  B.急性瘤胃鼓起
③  C.瘤胃弛缓
④  D.泄泻
【单选题】 易发生即可毒性反应的给药途径是
①  皮下注射
②  皮内注射
③  静脉注射
④  肌肉注射
⑤  以上都不对
【判断题】 通常间羟基苯甲酸加热易发生脱羧反应。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 碱中毒的患者易发生
①  低血钙性抽搐
②  低血钾性抽搐
③  高血钙性抽搐
④  高血钾性抽搐
⑤  以上都不是
【单选题】 易发生干性坏疽的器官是
②  四肢
③  阑尾
④  肠道
⑤  子宫
【单选题】 1. We cant ___ one to change the habits of a lifetime in a short time.
①  hope
②  wait
③  expect
④  imagine
【单选题】 There were dirty marks on her trousers ___ she had wiped her hands.
①  where
②  which
③  when
④  that
【单选题】 EBay, Amazon and WalMart are popular websites ___ people can sell goods to each other.
①  where
②  which
③  when
④  whose
【单选题】 I hope ___ the little ___ I have been able to do has been of some use.
①  that; that
②  /; by which?
③  what; what
④  /; with which
【单选题】 The hours ___ the children spend in their one-way relationship withtelevision people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.
①  when
②  that
③  in which
④  on which
【判断题】 He has been in china for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Dont get off the bus until it will stop.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 These clothes need wash.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 Said nothing, he left the room angrily.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The population of beijing is larger than of nanjing.
①  正确
②  错误