通常要求普通硅酸盐水泥的初凝时间和终凝时间( )
【单选题】 硅酸盐水泥和通用硅酸盐水泥的初凝时间要求不小于( )。
①  40min
②  45min
③  50min
④  55min
【单选题】 硅酸盐水泥的初凝时间不得早于( )。
①  15min
②  25min
③  35min
④  45min
【判断题】 水泥稳定材料所用水泥初凝时间应大于3h,终凝时间应大于6h且小于10h
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 基层施工气温应在()°C以上,路面基层采用水泥稳定碎石。宜采用初凝时间和终凝时间较长(宜在()h以上)的普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥或火山灰质硅酸盐水泥,强度等级不高于()MPa,考虑偏差系数及()%的保证率,水泥剂量()。以下()是正确的。
①  5;5;32.5;93;4%~5%
②  6;5;35.5;95;5%~6%
③  6;6;35.5;93;5%~6%
④  5;6;32.5;95;4%~5%
【判断题】 硅酸盐水泥标准规定,初凝时间不得早于25分钟,终凝时间不得迟于6.5小时。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 国家标准规定:硅酸盐水泥的终凝时间不得长于()小时
①  A、5.5
②  B、6
③  C、6.5
④  D、10(其他5类)
【判断题】 初凝时间不符合规定的硅酸盐水泥为废品。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 混凝土浇水养护的时间:对采用硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥或矿渣硅酸盐水泥拌制的混凝土,不得少于()。
①  7d
②  10d
③  5d
④  14d
【单选题】 为了便于识别,硅酸盐水泥和普通水泥包装袋上要求用( )。
①  黑字印刷
②  绿字印刷
③  红字印刷
④  蓝字印刷
【单选题】 抹灰常用的水泥为不小于( )级的普通硅酸盐水泥、矿渣硅酸盐水泥。
①  32.5
②  32.5R
③  42.5
④  42.5R
【单选题】 She always put her medication on the top of the shelf lest the children ____ it by mistake.
①  took
②  should take
③  had taken
④  would take
【单选题】 Evidence came up ____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  whose
【单选题】 There will be a new building here next year, _____ ?
①  will it
②  will there
③  be there
④  won’ t there
【单选题】 This house will probably come on the ____ next month.
①  fair
②  market
③  shop
④  store
【单选题】 I’m sure your suggestion will ____ the problem.
①  contribute to solving
②  be contributed to solve
③  contribute to solve
④  be contributed to solving
【单选题】 ____ before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
①  Though having never acted
②  As he had never acted
③  Despite he had never acted
④  In spite of his never having acted
【单选题】 “If we fail to act now,” said Tom, “We’ll find ourselves ____ in action later on.”
①  paid back
②  paid for
③  paid up
④  paid off
【单选题】 The statement had to be delivered to someone who could ____ it to the press.
①  relieve
②  release
③  emit
④  discharge
【单选题】 When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, ____ competition can turn into disorder and violence.
①  honestly
②  honest
③  honorable
④  honorary
【单选题】 He had acquired a(n)____ command of the English language.
①  ordinary
②  immense
③  extraordinary
④  temporary