【单选题】 关于急性感染性腹泻治疗原则叙述有误的是( )
【单选题】 以下急性感染性腹泻不用抗菌药物治疗的是( )
【单选题】 以下药物中,用于治疗细菌感染性腹泻应首选的是( )。
①  谷维素
②  黄连素
③  麻黄素
④  抗生素
⑤  维生素
【单选题】 药用炭可以用于治疗细菌感染性腹泻,可是不适用的人群有( )。
①  儿童
②  老年人
③  学龄前儿童
④  成年女性
⑤  3岁以下儿童
【单选题】 感染性废物应用()包装封口并标明感染名称?
①  双层红色垃圾袋
②  单层红色垃圾袋
③  单层黄色垃圾袋
④  双层黄色垃圾袋
【单选题】 下列属于非感染性发热的是
①  大叶性肺炎
②  肺脓肿
③  中暑
④  伤寒
⑤  流行性脑脊髄膜炎
【单选题】 非感染性发热不包括下列哪项搜索复制
①  心肌梗死后低热
②  白血病
③  甲状腺功能亢进
④  流行性出血热
⑤  感染后低热
【单选题】 不属于医疗感染性废物的是( )
①  被病人血液、体液、排泄物污染的物品
②  医疗机构收治的隔离传染病病人或者疑似传染病病人产生的生活垃圾
③  病原体的培养基、标本和菌种、毒种保存液
④  废弃的血液、血清
⑤  实验动物尸体组织及相关物质
【单选题】 风湿性心瓣膜病并发感染性心内膜炎时,最支持感染性心内膜炎诊断的是()
①  体温38.5℃
②  胸痛并有胸膜摩擦音
③  超声心动图显示有赘生物
④  白细胞增高
⑤  心电图ST-T改变
【单选题】 感染性发热最常见的病原体是
①  病毒
②  肺炎支原体
③  真菌
④  细菌
⑤  立克次体
【单选题】 Bit by bit, a child makes the necessary changes to make his language ____.
①  as other people
②  as other people’s
③  like other people
④  like other people’s
【单选题】 Please____ me whether I should accept the offer.
①  advise
②  suggest
③  propose
④  direct
【单选题】 All the flights ____ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.
①  were canceled
②  had been canceled
③  having canceled
④  having been canceled
【单选题】 Everything is right here, _____?
①  isn’ t it
②  aren’ t they
③  are they
④  is it
【单选题】 A camera takes light rays bounced off objects and____ them on a sheet of a film.
①  concentrates
②  mixes
③  combines
④  focuses
【单选题】 It has been proposed that we ____ our decision until the next meeting.
①  delayed
②  delay
③  can delay
④  are to delay
【单选题】 By the middle of the 21st century, the vast majority of the world’s population ____ in cities rather than in the country.
①  are living
②  will be living
③  have lived
④  will have lived
【单选题】 Mary tiptoed over and took the clock away because she hated to hear it ____ when she was trying to go to sleep.
①  sounding
②  ringing
③  ticking
④  humming
【单选题】 Under this ____ pressure some of the rocks even became liquid.
①  intensive
②  weighty
③  intense
④  bulky
【单选题】 The patient was fully ____ during the operation.
①  liberal
②  sensible
③  aware
④  conscious