【多选题】 打击乐演奏领域的教育内容有
①  打击乐曲
②  打击乐演奏知识
③  演奏技能
④  演奏常规
【判断题】 打击乐曲可以分为伴随乐曲进行打击乐演奏的乐曲和纯打击乐曲
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 幼儿常用的打击乐器有
①  响板
②  木鱼
③  沙锤
④  架子鼓
⑤  大鼓
【判断题】 学前儿童在3~4岁的年龄段,需要掌握的音色经验年龄目标包括:日常生活中的音色、打击乐器的音色、人声以及乐器的音色。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 幼儿打击乐器的选择要求有哪些
①  体积尽量小的
②  重量适合
③  音色优美
④  演奏方式符合年龄要求
【判断题】 让幼儿喜欢探索打击乐器的各种演奏方式并大胆演奏是演奏区设置的最终目标
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 以下选项中,哪一项符合打击乐活动的教育目标
①  用打击乐器进行艺术表现
②  提高幼儿的演奏水平
③  提高艺术修养
④  培养审美情趣
【判断题】 在多声部歌唱时,只歌唱自己的部分,不需要听其他声部的声音。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 表演区的创设:应提供给幼儿各种表演的道具,如头饰、民族舞蹈服、打击乐器等。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 音乐是舞蹈的声音,舞蹈则是再现了的音乐
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 We will be losing money this year unless new economic plan of yours _____miracle
①  is working
②  works
③  will be working
④  worked
【单选题】 If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted _____.
①  grow
②  to grow
③  growing
④  to be growing
【单选题】 Following are comments about the behavior that people in Korea usually expect in various social _____.
①  occasions
②  cases
③  situations
④  circumstances
【单选题】 The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must _____them.
①  mend
②  patch
③  repair
④  pitch
【单选题】 Mac’s close _____to his brother made people mistake them for one another.
①  resemblance
②  identity
③  appearance
④  relationship
【单选题】 The thieves _____the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.
①  spread
②  scratched
③  scattered
④  burned
【单选题】 They _____ our house at $10.000.
①  count
②  vanish
③  weave
④  assess
【单选题】 George was introduced to _____activities at a young age, when she was hired to act as a lookout for drug-dealers.
①  illegal
②  lawful
③  faithful
④  peaceful
【单选题】 When he studied at college, Jack was supported by a _____ .
①  treatment
②  assistance
③  scholarship
④  protein
【单选题】 When I read the newspaper, I always read the _____ first.
①  headlines
②  headquarters
③  heaven
④  horizon