以下文员应遵守的电话礼仪中,哪一项是不适宜的?( )。
【单选题】 以下接打电话的行为中,哪一项是不适宜的?( )。
①  电话机旁随时放着电话记录单或便笺和笔,一有留言就能立即记录
②  文员离开办公室时,要安排别人替你接电话
③  应随时使用手机在飞机上、饭店里、大剧院等进行联系
④  如果已经回电,但没打通,切记要再联系
【单选题】 电话铃声响起时,最好在( )声之内接听,如果电话铃声响了4五声才拿起话筒,应该先向对方表示歉意,如果来电显示上有未接电话,应及时回电过去,并表明歉意,还要说明原因,再询问对方有何指教。
①  3
②  5
③  10
④  15
【单选题】 以下文员应遵守的参加宴会的礼仪中,哪一项是不适宜的?( )。
①  应选择轻软而富于光泽的衣料,用黑、红、白等纯色为宜
②  白天赴宴应选用香味较浓的香水,夜晚则应选用香味优雅的香水
③  未用完一道莱时,应将刀叉平行排放在盘了上右侧,叉尖向上,刀刃向内
④  文员应在上司之后与对方碰杯,碰杯时应目视对方以示敬意
【多选题】 打电话的时间要考虑到对方是否方便,最好在()
①  下午两点半到四点半
②  中午一、二点钟
③  周一上午上班两个小时之后
④  上午九点半到11点半
【单选题】 文员在接打电话时,正确的做法是( )。
①  电话铃响一声就应接听
②  在电话机旁随时放着电话记录单和笔,一有留言就能立即记录下来
③  文员接听业务电话时,应首先让对方报出姓名、单位
④  文员替上司传话时,应考虑对方的情绪以个人的口吻转达
【单选题】 电话铃声响后,最多不超过( )声就应该接听。
①  一声
②  两声
③  三声
④  四声
【单选题】 接听电话中要求()
①  多使用简略语以提高效率
②  要养成复述的习惯
③  不必注意自己的语气和语调
④  不必注意姿态表情
【多选题】 打电话时,应注意哪些问题
①  注意电话礼节
②  选择打电话的合适时机
③  交谈热情委婉
④  多从对方的角度考虑
【判断题】 接听电话结束时,不要忘记向对方说“再见”,并且应等对方放下话筒后才能挂上电话
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 以下哪些是接打电话要遵循的礼仪
①  礼貌用语
②  时间有度
③  姿势端正
④  不妨碍他人
【单选题】 Tom has been a vegetarian ____ principle for years.
①  in
②  on
③  for
④  by
【单选题】 His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.
①  peace
②  large
③  ease
④  best
【单选题】 Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _________ during the day.
①  must have done
②  would have done
③  should have done
④  may have done
【单选题】 Joseph was very lucky ____ with his life; he almost did not get out of the room.
①  to escape
②  to have escaped
③  to escaping
④  to be escaping
【单选题】 The rescue team must have searched for the missing visitors two days ago, _____?
①  mustn’ t they
②  haven’ t they
③  didn’ t they
④  hadn’ t they
【单选题】 I’ m____ that he didn’ t come.
①  astonished
②  astonishing
③  astonish
④  to astonish
【单选题】 ____ is announced in the papers, our country has launched a large scale movement against smuggling and fraudulent activities in foreign currency exchange deals.
①  What
②  As
③  Which
④  That
【单选题】 The ____ crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London.
①  valued
②  valueless
③  invaluable
④  usable
【单选题】 Though ____ rich, she was better off than at any other period in her life.
①  by means of
②  within her means
③  by all means
④  by no means
【单选题】 You ____ that letter to James. However, you didn’t.
①  ought to write
②  ought to have written
③  should write
④  should be writing