【简答题】 每个人说话时选择什么样的材料,遵循什么样的规则是不自由的,必须服从[填空]
【单选题】 意思表示不自由不包括(  )。
①  欺诈
②  胁迫
③  重大误解
④  乘人之危
【单选题】 情绪智力,又称为情商,是一种个人能力,它使得每个人( )
①  具有自我意识
②  能够察觉他人的情绪
③  可以管理情绪线索和信息
④  以上都是
【单选题】 讲述活动是学前儿童运用( )语言进行说话的一种场合。
①  正式语言
②  非正式语言
③  自由语言
④  随意语言
【判断题】 自由就是每个人无拘无束的天然状态。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 资本主义是一种“每个人对全体和全体对每个人的战争”的制度。在这种制度下,每个人为了自己的利益,都可以把自身的幸福建立在别人的痛苦之上。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 实践出真知,所以每个人的知识都来自亲身实践
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 每个人的素质与我们整个社会的文明程度是无关的。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 语言和言语:“语言”是言语活动中同一社会群体共同掌握的有规律可循而又成为系统的那一部分。言语是个人“说话”的具体行为和结果,在每个人的发音、用词和使用的句子结构等方面体现出个人特色。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 威廉格拉塞假设每个人都有( )种最重要的需要
【单选题】 This is a very difficult operation. It is essential that you __________ for emergency.
①  are to be prepared
②  would prepared
③  be prepared
④  must be prepared
【单选题】 I __________ going to the doctor, but I wish I hadn’t.
①  pick out
②  make out
③  give off
④  put off
【单选题】 I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.
①  seldom
②  ever
③  never
④  always
【单选题】 I remember _______ you the story last night.
①  telling
②  told
③  to tell
④  have told
【单选题】 Not __________, with youth unemployment so high, some school – leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.
①  obviously
②  surprisingly
③  particularly
④  normally
【单选题】 I’ll send you a short message as soon as I _______ in Hong Kong.
①  arrived
②  will arrive
③  am going to arrive
④  arrive
【单选题】 Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?
①  Speaking, please
②  I’d like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 The population of many Alaskan cities has __________ doubled in the past three years.
①  larger than
②  as great as
③  more than
④  as many as
【单选题】 The match was cancelled because most of the members __________ a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  objected to have
③  were objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 - Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?
①  I’d rather stay here if you don’t mind
②  Sorry, I don’t like neither
③  Certainly, why not?
④  Yes, we like these two places