A: Itll take at least 2 hours to do this! B: Oh, [填空]! I could do it in 30 minutes.
come on
pardon me
you are right
dont mention it
【单选题】 Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this afternoon?
①  Never mind
②  OK, but what for?
③  Yes, please help yourself
④  Yes, but I don’t care
【单选题】 A: Do you know that Tony quarreled with his brother? B: I dont know,[填空].
①  nor dont I care
②  nor do I care
③  I dont care neither
④  I dont care also
【判断题】 A: Do you think I could borrow your bicycle? B: Take your time.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Are you ready for the test tomorrow? B: [填空] A: Come on, I am sure you will do well.
①  Why do you ask?
②  No. Im afraid not.
③  Sure, no problem.
④  What about you?
【单选题】 16. A; John , do you want me to take you to the hospital? B: No, thanks. Ann _____ take me.
①  will
②  is going to
③  may
④  must
【单选题】 A: Hi, Mark, Im glad you could come. B: [填空] A: No, you are right on time.
①  Its my great honor, thanks.
②  You are welcome. Am I the first?
③  Thanks. Do you have the time?
④  I hope Im not too late.
【判断题】 A: How do you like this flat? B: I dont like it.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: How do you do? B: [填空]
①  Fine, thank you.
②  How do you do?
③  Not too bad.
④  Very well.
【单选题】 A: Do I have the pleasure to buy you a drink? B:[填空].
①  Its your pleasure
②  Its very kind of you
③  Youre too nice to me
④  You spend money again
【单选题】 A: Is there anything I can do for you? B: [填空], there is something.
①  No, nothing
②  Well, now that you ask
③  Nothing I can think of
④  If you ask me
【判断题】 电流量。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 零状态响应是指电路中无外加激励电源,仅由动态元件初始储能所产生的响应。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在一阶电路中,时间常数越大,则过渡过程时间越长。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 基尔霍夫电流定律(KCL)和基尔霍夫电压定律(KVL)只适于线性电路而不适用于非线性电路。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 并联电路中,在电阻最小的支路上,消耗的电功率也最小。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在图2-6所示电路中,IX为()
①  2A
②  5A
【单选题】 应用叠加定理,理想电压源不作用时视为。
①  短路
②  开路
③  电阻
④  理想电流源
【单选题】 当电路中电流的参考方向与电流的真实方向相反时,该电流。
①  一定为正值
②  一定为负值
③  不能肯定是正值或负值
④  为0
【单选题】 图所示运算放大器,各电压之间的关系为。
①  U1=U2
②  UO=﹣AU1
③  UO=AU2
④  UO=A(U2-U1)
【单选题】 叠加定理只适用于。
①  交流电路
②  直流电路
③  线性电路
④  非线性电路