【判断题】 植物发生缺镁时,首先幼叶出现症状
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 植物发生缺镁时,在果实附近的叶片上首先出现症状
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 钙在植物体内很容易移动,发生缺钙时,植物首先老叶出现症状
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 终点颜色有蓝色变为紫红色
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 火烧产生紫红色烟雾的药材是
①  青黛
②  芦荟
③  松花粉
④  蒲黄
⑤  海金沙
【判断题】 豫西地区寒武系属海相沉积环境,岩石类型为灰岩,白云岩夹有紫红色砂岩,紫红色粉砂质泥岩,偶尔可见食盐假晶。在紫红色砂岩,紫红色粉砂质泥岩沉积时,气候炎热干燥。( )。(1.0分)
①  A.对
②  B.错
【判断题】 植物缺少磷元素,会出现专一的缺素症状,只有补充磷元素,才能缓解或消除症状,其它任何元素都不能替代;
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 木质化的细胞壁滴加( )溶液呈现红色或紫红色。
①  间苯三酚和浓盐酸
②  苏丹III
③  稀碘液
④  氯化锌碘液
【单选题】 木质化的细胞壁滴加( )溶液呈现红色或紫红色。
①  间苯三酚和浓盐酸
②  苏丹III
③  稀碘液
④  氯化锌碘液
【单选题】 2019年12月,新型冠状病毒肺炎首先出现在我国的哪个省份( )
【单选题】 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce______nothingcanbedonetochangeit.
①  begins
②  having begun
③  beginning
④  begun
【单选题】 Many a man______ the interest novel.
①  are read
②  is read
③  have read
④  has read
【单选题】 Borishasbrains.Infact,Idoubtwhetheranyoneintheclasshas_______IQ.
①  a high
②  a higher
③  the higher
④  the highest
【单选题】 —WhatdoyouthinkmadeMarysoupset?—______herbicycle.
①  As she lost
②  Lost
③  Losing
④  Because of losing
【单选题】 Hehasspentallhislifeworkingwithmentally______people.
①  disabled
②  discussed
③  naked
④  abolished
【单选题】 Doctors have said that as many as 50% of patients dont take medicine ______.
①  like directed
②  to be directed
③  as directed
④  so that directed
【单选题】 After filling out this form, please dont forget to______ your name.
①  sign
②  sigh
③  scribble
④  jot
【单选题】 —Why didnt you come to join her party?—I______, but I had to deal with something urgent.
①  would have
②  should
③  would do
④  was going to have
【单选题】 They couldn’t ______ to fly out to see us, and we couldnt either. We were all poor then.
①  offer
②  afford
③  provide
④  supply
【单选题】 Youve got a divorce? Why did he decide to______ you after seven years together?
①  keep company with
②  part company with
③  keep in touch with
④  stay in touch with