Every time I _________ there, I will buy him something nice.
will go
have gone
【单选题】 Every time I______ there, I will buy him something nice.
①  went
②  will go
③  go
④  have gone
【单选题】 Every time when I go back to my hometown, I usually spend two days ____ of my relatives.
①  going the rounds of
②  rounding up
③  making the rounds of
④  rounding on
【单选题】 When I was a child, I_______go back home on time.
①  have to
②  must
③  had to
【判断题】 Before?go?to the concert, I had had a meal in a nice restaurant.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Peter: It’s such a nice warm day. I think I’ll go out for a walk. Dave: ____
①  It is warm to take a walk.
②  Yes. It is warm today.
③  I’d like to join you.
④  Yes. Everybody likes this weather.
【判断题】 Tom asked me if I wanted to go for a walk with him.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 25. I can’t go—for one thing, I have no money, and ___, I have too much work.
①  what’s more 
②  as well 
③  for another 
④  in addition
【单选题】 — Do you want to go to see a movie?— ______________ I feel like doing something different.
①  Dont mention it.
②  Yes. I want it.
③  Not really.
④  Adeal.
【多选题】 A: I have a headache. I feel weak and tired.B: You ___________ go to see a doctor.
①  should
②  should not
③  had better
④  had better not
【单选题】 I wish to go home with you, _____?
①  may I
②  shall I
③  would I
④  can I
【简答题】 会计信息系统建设总体规划的基本内容是什么?
【简答题】 期末结账时应注意的问题有哪些?
【简答题】 通用财务系统的基本功能结构是什么?
【简答题】 在存货管理子系统中,如何根据业务单据形成会计凭证?
【简答题】 选择会计软件需要考虑哪些因素?
【简答题】 报表编制的基本要点是什么?
【简答题】 采购与应会子系统初始化设置的内容有哪些?
【简答题】 请说明增值税的纳税义务发生时间
【简答题】 试说明增值税特殊销售行为中的八种视同销售货物行为
【简答题】 请说明企业所得税的纳税义务人及征税对象