They _______ lots of food and drinks to the poor.
were sent
were sending
【单选题】 9. All correspondence ______ to the editor should be sent by airmail.
①  addressed
②  sent
③  signaled
④  went
【单选题】 He sent me ( ) flowers on Valentimes Day
①  a lot of
②  a bunch of
③  a pair of
④  a pile of
【单选题】 The Wind sent strong, cold air to_________ the coat away.
①  grow
②  grew
③  blow
④  blew
【单选题】 A new teacher was sent to the village in place of ____ one who had retired.
①  a
②  the
③  an
④  Its
【单选题】 3.She sent her friend a postcard _______ a birthday present.
①  on
②  as
③  for
④  of
【单选题】 They couldn’t ______ to fly out to see us, and we couldnt either. We were all poor then.
①  offer
②  afford
③  provide
④  supply
【判断题】 I appreciated to have sent to the United States to study five years ago.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 While _______ the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.
①  having orbited
②  being orbited
③  having been orbited
④  orbiting
【单选题】 Those gifts o rare books that were given t us were deeply _____.
①  appreciated
②  approved
③  appealed
④  applied
【单选题】 Were it not for the rainny weather, they______ all right.
①  would be
②  may be
③  would have been
④  were
【单选题】 当一个国家的GDP达到人均1000美金的时候,这个国家应当有()%的人享有口腔健康护理
①  A 10
②  B 18
③  C 13
④  D 20
【单选题】 第一例唇裂缝合手术是()的一位医生完成的
①  A 东晋
②  B 西晋
③  C 南朝
④  D 北朝
【单选题】 一个人的身体大约有()个细胞组成
①  A 一千万
②  B 一千万亿
③  C 一百万亿
④  D 一亿多
【单选题】 眼睛的白眼球学名是()
①  A 角膜
②  B 虹膜
③  C 巩膜
④  D 视网膜
【单选题】 在50岁后,白内障的患病率是()
①  A 15%
②  B 60%
③  C 30%
④  D 10%
【单选题】 人们的睡眠时间占人生的()的时间
①  A 二分之一
②  B 三分之一
③  C 三分之二
④  D 四分之一
【单选题】 老年人的脚后跟疼痛难忍的有效诊疗方法是()
①  A 足底按摩
②  B 尽量少走路
③  C 足底靳莫言的射频毁损
④  D 无有效方法
【判断题】 中老年人适当的体育锻炼对养生保健也有很重要的作用
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 检查眼睛视力时另一只眼睛用眼罩遮蔽、以免影响被测眼睛的视力
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 有细菌一定都得炎性肠病
①  正确
②  错误