_________ English is different from __________ English.
writing, speaking
written, spoken
【单选题】 The book [填空] I’m reading is written in English.
①  which
②  whom
③  whose
④  who
【单选题】 According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the possible activities for you to practice speaking English at school?
①  To talk to native speakers on campus.
②  To speak English to the waitress in English as you pay for a meal in a restaurant.
③  To rehearse aloud by yourself.
④  To talk with your classmates in English.
【单选题】 3.This little girl began to show the sign of ______ her brother in spoken English.
①  better
②  surpassing
③  exceeding
④  beyond
【单选题】 The English is GREAT campaign is intended to recognize outstanding individuals ______,every day and in many different ways,share their passion for the English language.
①  when
②  which
③  who
④  where
【单选题】 Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, is composed in a form of____.
①  epics
②  lyrics
③  folk songs
④  sagas
【判断题】 Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, is composed in a form of epics.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Historical linguistics reveals that the English vocabulary sprang from three major root sources:_______.
①  Italian, Latin, Greek
②  French, Germanic, Greek
③  Germanic, Latin, Greek
④  Germanic, Italian, French
【单选题】 English ____ in Canada.
①  speaks
②  are spoken
③  is speaking
④  is spoken
【单选题】 2. English ____ in Canada.
①  speaks
②  are spoken
③  is speaking
④  is spoken
【单选题】 Our English teacher demanded that we ____ to English broadcast every day.
①  listening
②  would listen
③  listen
④  could listen
【多选题】 特种劳动防护用品必须具有( )和安全标志。
①  生产许可证
②  产品合格证
③  检验合格证
④  安全鉴定证
⑤  安全许可证
【多选题】 在工程结构中,杆件的基本受力形式有()。
①  轴向拉伸与压缩
②  弯曲
③  翘曲
④  剪切
⑤  扭转
【多选题】 下列措施中,属于生产经营单位安全生产保障措施中经济保障措施的是()。
①  保证劳动防护用品、安全生产培训所需要的资金
②  保证安全设施所需要的资金
③  保证安全生产所必需的资金
④  保证员工食宿所需要的资金
⑤  保证工伤社会保险所需要的资金
【判断题】 液压升降整体脚手架架体及附着支承结构的强度、刚度和稳定性必须符合设计要求, 防倾覆装置必须灵敏、制动可靠,防坠落装置必须稳固、安全可靠。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 送电操作顺序:开关箱→分配电箱→总配电箱;断电操作顺序:总配电箱→分配电箱→开关箱。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 为了突出钢筋,构件外轮廓线用细实线表示,而主筋用粗实线表示,箍筋用中实线表示,钢筋的截面用小黑圆点涂黑表示。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 碗扣式钢管脚手架可以使用工具式钢脚手板。 ()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 塔机安装的拆除作业时,应按经验丰富的施工人员要求及注意事项进行。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 事故调查处理应当严格遵循科学严谨、依法依规、实事求是、注重实效的原则。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 《职业病防治法》规定,用人单位的施工现场管理人员对本单位的职业病防治工作全面负责。 ()
①  正确
②  错误