The party, ______ was held in my house, lasted for four hours.
【单选题】 They live in a house whose door[填空]which opens to the south.
①  for
②  of
③  in
④  with
【单选题】 They held a great party to ____their victory.
①  experience
②  celebrate
③  praise
④  respect
【单选题】 In that country, guests usually feel that they are not highly ______ if the invitation to a dinner party is given only three or four days before the party date.
①  regarded
②  thought
③  admired
④  concerned
【单选题】 My brother [填空]a party tomorrow.
①  is having
②  have
③  has
④  had
【单选题】 The airport is five miles ____ my house.
①  away from
②  far from
③  far away from
④  far from away
【单选题】 My grandfather accidentally _____ fire to the house.
①  put
②  took
③  set
④  got
【单选题】 As it turned out to be a small house party, we___ so formally.
①  need not have dressed up
②  must not have dressed up
③  did not need to dress up
④  must not dress up
【判断题】 It take me two hours to finish my work today.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 I have my house cleaned once a week.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I____ a very old watch in my uncles house.
①  came to
②  met with
③  came across
【单选题】 正常人声波传向内耳的主要途径是
①  外耳道→鼓膜→窝窗→内耳
②  外耳道→鼓膜→听小骨→窝窗→内耳
③  外耳道→鼓膜→听小骨→卵圆窗→内耳
④  颅骨→内耳
【单选题】 肩胛骨下角对应
①  第2肋
②  第5肋
③  第6肋
④  第7肋
⑤  第3肋
【单选题】 关于肺泡表面活性物质的叙述,错误的是
①  由肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞分泌
②  可降低肺泡表面张力
③  维持肺泡的扩张状态
④  增大肺泡回缩力
⑤  防止毛细血管内的液体滤入肺泡
【单选题】 贫血是循环血液中
①  红细胞数低于正常
②  白细胞数低于正常
③  红细胞数及血红蛋白量低于正常
④  血小板数低于正常
⑤  循环血量较正常者减少
【单选题】 假复层纤毛柱状上皮分布于
①  消化道内面
②  气管
③  膀胱
④  输尿管
⑤  腹膜
【单选题】 潮气量为500ml,呼吸频率为16次/min,无效腔气量为150ml,肺泡通气量为
①  2.4L/min
②  4L/min
③  5.6L/min
④  6L/min
⑤  8L/min
【单选题】 变移上皮分布于
①  呼吸道内面
②  消化道内面
③  心血管内面
④  膀胱和输尿管
⑤  皮肤
【单选题】 肾小管对Na+、K+、Cl-、水是
①  大部分重吸收
②  小部分重吸收
③  全部重吸收
④  几乎不吸收
⑤  分泌
【单选题】 上运动神经元指的是
①  大脑皮质的锥体细胞
②  脑干运动核神经细胞
③  脊髓前角的神经细胞
④  丘脑核团的神经细胞
⑤  大脑神经核的神经细胞
【单选题】 肺牵张反射的生理意义是
①  减少肺弹性阻力
②  增加呼吸肌收缩力
③  防止肺泡回缩
④  使吸气及时向呼气转化
⑤  使呼气及时向吸气转化