I was really __________ to see her here.
【单选题】 --I was quite surprised that I was elected as the chairman of the meeting.--________________________________
①  I think so.
②  You shouldnt surprise.
③  You are welcome.
④  You did an outstanding job and you really deserved it.
【单选题】 I ________ here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 I_______here since I moved here.
①  will work
②  worked
③  work
④  have been working
【单选题】 Her words, ________ in a hurry, is really hard for me to recognize.
①  written
②  write
③  to write
④  writing
【单选题】 May I see the menu, please?
①  That is the menu, sir
②  Yes, please go on
③  Here you are, sir
④  Of course, sir
【单选题】 She’s an only child, but they didn’t really __________ her.
①  hurt
②  damage
③  spoil
④  harm
【单选题】 My uncle _________ to see me. He’ll be here soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 My uncle ___ to see me. He’ll be here soon.
①  comes
②  is coming
③  had come
④  came
【单选题】 I remember her face but I cannot___ where I met her.
①  recall
②  remind
③  remark
④  remember
【单选题】 Could you tell us _______her aunt will stay here?
①  that
②  what
③  how long
④  where
【单选题】 某房间层高3.6米,吊顶高3.0米,楼板厚0.15米,则其内墙抹灰高度按( ?)计算
①  3.15米
②  3.0米
③  3.6米
④  3.45米
【单选题】 定额中砖用量按标准和常用规格计算的,如实际砖尺寸不符标准时,则( ?)
①  定额不作调整
②  砖的用量进行调整,其余不变
③  定额均作调整
④  砖和砂浆的用量进行调整,其余不变
【单选题】 实心砖外墙高度的计算,正确的是(? )
①  坡屋面无檐口天棚的算至屋面板底
②  坡屋面有屋架且有天棚的算至屋架下弦底
③  坡屋面有屋架无天棚的算至屋架下弦底另加200mm
④  平屋面算至钢筋混凝土板顶
【单选题】 浅基坑的开挖深度一般(??)
①  小于3m
②  小于4m
③  不大于5m
④  不大于6m
【单选题】 挖土方的工程量按设计图示尺寸的体积计算,此时的体积是指( )
①  虚方体积
②  夯实后体积
③  松填体积
④  天然密实体积
【判断题】 三类土的放坡起点为2.0m
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 支挡土板的工作面宽度按0.2m计算
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 平整场地是指填挖深度在300mm以内的找平
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 泥浆运输工程量按实际钻孔的土方体积计算、包括充盈系数调整
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 机械在坑内作业三类土的放坡系数为1:0.33
①  正确
②  错误