?What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building.
B) has gone
had gone
would go
【单选题】 ____ find out what had happened.
①  Not until he woke up did he
②  Not until he woke up he
③  Until he woke up did he
④  Until he woke up he
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ______ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware____ he had gone.
①  of where
②  of the place where
③  where
④  the place
【单选题】 I would accept that there was a bias in some key areas of British life, [] that bias has now gone.
①  or
②  and
③  but
④  so
【单选题】 Dan and Kate_______ two years ago.
①  got married
②  was married
③  have married
【单选题】 What a rainy summer we’ve had! --Yes, there only three sunny weekends the whole summer.
①  have been
②  are
③  had been
④  has been
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He____________ working as if nothing had happened.
①  continue
②  continues
③  continuing
④  continued
【单选题】 Not until three years ago _____ to work outside.
①  he began
②  he begins
③  began he
④  did he begin
【单选题】 ____ the English examination, I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.
①  In spite of
②  But for
③  Because of
④  As for
【多选题】 在落实《促进大数据发展行动纲要》中,要特别加强保护的信息的是有( )
①  涉及个人隐私
②  涉及国家利益
③  涉及军工科研生产
④  涉及公共安全
⑤  涉及商业秘密
【多选题】 下一阶段信息化发展的重要路径是( )。
①  贯彻好创新驱动发展战略
②  支撑好政府职能转变的要求
③  新型智慧城市建设是大数据的重要载体
④  衔接好“互联网+”行动计划
⑤  善于利用互联网思维,注重群众的差异性,个性化的需求
【多选题】 我们经历了哪些科学时代?( )
①  数据密集型的科学时代
②  计算科学时代
③  实验科学时代
④  理论科学时代
【单选题】 从全面建成小康社会到基本实现现代化,再到全面建成( ),是新时代中国特色社会主义发展的战略安排。
①  社会主义现代化国家
②  社会主义现代化大国
③  世界一流强国
④  社会主义现代化强国
【单选题】 通过在需要销售的服装上和试衣间加装( ),可以提高销售量。
①  芯片,穿衣镜
②  芯片,传感器
③  装饰品,穿衣镜
④  装饰品,传感器
【判断题】 以社交为特征的桌面互联网出现于本世纪初期。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 以内容为特征的桌面互联网出现于上个世纪九十年代。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 胡适先生曾经批评过中国是“差不多的文化”,这就是说中国人习惯于定量思维而不是定性思维。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 大型区域性的政府数据中心必须要布局合理。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中国人对微信、微博或者是对互联网金融的支付,使用的习惯或者接受能力远远的超过了欧洲、日本等等,甚至比美国都快,已经成为名副其实的网络大国。( )
①  正确
②  错误