I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he ___ see me.
【单选题】 5. I went to the doctor’s yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he _____ see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 I went to the doctors yesterday. I had to wait for half an hour before he________see me.
①  can
②  may
③  might
④  could
【单选题】 I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap ____ me.
①  revived
②  released
③  relieved
④  recovered
【单选题】 I was awfully tired when I got home from work, but a half hour nap _____me.
①  revived
②  released
③  relieved
④  recovered
【单选题】 That day he ___ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he ___________ his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 That day he_______his clothes before he came to see me.
①  has washed
②  washed
③  had been washing
④  was washed
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 ____ little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only a minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour!
①  If I had got up
②  If only I get up
③  If only I had got up
④  If I got up
【单选题】 He irritates me so much that I could ( ).
①  screaming
②  screamingly
③  screamer
④  scream
【单选题】 电子文件与电子档案的管理则必须借助计算机地硬件系统和软件系统,而硬件与软件的性能对文件处理、档案管理地质量和效果具有直接的影响。这是电子文档的?。
①  信息的非人工识读性
②  信息储存的高密度性
③  系统依赖性
④  多种信息载体的集成性
【单选题】 会计档案是指会计凭证、会计账簿和?等会计核算转业材料,是记录和反映单位经济业务的重要史料和证据。
①  财务报告
②  总账
③  日记账
④  分账
【单选题】 电子档案在使用前将磁带、光盘放置在使用环境中平衡?天以上。
①  5
②  3
③  8
④  10@15
【单选题】 底片分为原底片与?底片。
①  软质
②  硬质
③  翻版
④  翻转
【单选题】 会计凭证是记录经济业务,明确经济责任的书面证明材料,是登记账簿的重要依据。按其用途和填制程序,可分为?凭证和记录凭证两种。
①  原始
②  开始
③  账簿
④  分账
【单选题】 某企业产品档案档号:C·X2010-01,其中C:是?代号。
①  产品档案代号(一级分类号)
②  铣床型号(二级分类号)
③  保管单位顺序号(案卷号)
④  一般代号
【单选题】 与可人识读的纸质等载体档案不同,电子文件与电子档案使用磁介质与光介质,其数字式代码是人工不可识读地,只有借助计算机解码,才能转换成认可识读的记录。这是电子文档的?。
①  信息的非人工识读性
②  信息储存的高密度性
③  系统依赖性
④  多种信息载体的集成性
【单选题】 照片档案的立卷。一般情况下,一项内容的照片立为一卷,内容相近的也可组成一卷,每卷不宜超过?个芯页。
①  20
②  30
③  40
④  50
【单选题】 档案标引步骤主要由两部分内容组成,其中确定被标引档案主题概念过程的是?
①  主题因素
②  主题分析
③  概念转换
④  标引规则
【单选题】 档案检索效率是指在检索过程中满足利用者的全面性和准确性的程度,其中能满足利用者要求的准确程度的是?
①  查准率
②  查全率
③  检索效率
④  漏检率