When he was a boy, he used to go there and watch ____.
to repair bicycles
bicycles to be repaired
bicycles being repaired
repairing bicycles
【单选题】 When he was a boy,he used to go there and watch________.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【单选题】 1.When hewas a boy, he used to go there and watch____.
①  to repair bicycles
②  bicycles to be repaired
③  bicycles being repaired
④  repairing bicycles
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”There were so much people, bicycles, cars and buses that I lost my way again.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A simile is used in the sentence “He is like a lion when he gets angry.”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 31. He was very religious. He used to go to _____ church every Sunday.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 The boy lost his ____when he stepped on the icy road.
①  way
②  weight
③  balance
④  direction
【单选题】 He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch ____.?
①  repaired ?
②  to repair ?
③  repairing ?
④  repair?
【单选题】 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断).
①  indications
②  signs
③  symbols
④  symptoms
【单选题】 __When can I come for the repaired computers? I need them tomorrow afternoon. __They______ be ready by 12:00.
①  should
②  might
③  need
④  can
【单选题】 He used to in a small village, but now he has been used to in the big city.
①  live, living
②  live, live
③  living, living
④  living, live.
【判断题】 空调区域是指,离外墙0.5米、离地0.3米,高于精密设备0.3~0.5米范围内的空间。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 风机盘管分散在各个房间内,所以风机盘管空调系统是一种局部式空调系统。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 多层和高层建筑的机械送排风系统的风管横向设置,应按什么分区? ( )
①  防烟分区
②  防火分区
③  平面功能分区
④  沉降缝分区
【单选题】 为保证车间有足够的通风量,通常在进行自然通风开口面积计算时,应考虑( )。
①  风压
②  热压
③  气压
④  风压和热压
【单选题】 普通风机盘管,不具备( )功能。
①  加热
②  冷却
③  加湿
④  去湿
【单选题】 锅炉房的大小是由锅炉房设计容量确定的,而容量决定于( )。
①  采暖总面积
②  采暖总人数
③  冬季平均温度
④  热负荷大小
【单选题】 从节能角度讲,采暖建筑主要房间应布置在( )。
①  下风侧
②  上风侧
③  向阳面
④  底层
【单选题】 在民用建筑的集中采暖系统中应采用( )作为热媒。
①  高压蒸气
②  低压蒸气
③  150~90℃热水
④  95~70℃热水
【单选题】 集中采暖系统不包括( )。
①  散热器采暖
②  热风采暖
③  辐射采暖
④  通风采暖
【单选题】 低温热水采暖系统的供水温度为( )℃,回水温度为( )℃。
①  100、75
②  95、75
③  100、70
④  95、70