____ the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
Having stolen
Having been stolen
【单选题】 ________the diamond,he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【单选题】 4.____the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.
①  Having stolen
②  Having been stolen
③  Stolen
④  Stealing
【多选题】 Its the_____________ coat that was stolen from me.
①  small
②  same
③  identical
④  identity
【单选题】 A suitcase with shirt, trousers and shoes __________ stolen from the car.
①  have been
②  has
③  was
④  are
【单选题】 I charge the man____ receiving stolen goods.
①  in
②  with
③  at
④  on
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 11. Having finished the letter, he_________ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.
①  folded
②  bent
③  turned
④  curved
【单选题】 Having plenty of time, ____.
①  we needn’t to have hurried
②  there was no need for us to hurry
③  we didn’t need to hurry
④  hurrying was not necessary
【多选题】 _____________ , he had to stay at home to look after her.
①  His mother being ill
②  His mother ill
③  Although his mother was ill
④  As his mother was ill
【单选题】 马克思主义科学地揭示了道德的起源,认为道德()
①  起源于人性中的情感、欲望
②  起源于神的启示或上帝的意志
③  起源于人先天具有的某种良知和善良意志
④  产生于人类的历史发展和人们的社会实践中
【单选题】 法治的核心是()
①  严格依法办事
②  民主
③  社会公德
④  为人民服务
【单选题】 我国宪法规定中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。这一规定确定了我国的()
①  国体
②  政体
③  政党制度
④  社会制度
【单选题】 在《行政处罚法》的规定中,行政处罚应遵循的原则不包括()
①  处罚法定原则
②  公开、公正原则
③  教育优先原则
④  保障相对人权利原则
【单选题】 对于法的概念与特征,下列选项中表述正确的是()
①  统治阶级的意志就是法律
②  法是由国家强制力保证实施的共
③  国家制定是法律产生的唯一方式
④  被统治阶级的意志在法里不可能得到体现
【单选题】 公民道德建设的重点是( )。
①  爱国守法
②  团结友善
③  诚实守信
④  敬业奉献
【单选题】 个人与社会的关系是()
①  特定的社会关系决定着个人的生存和发展,个人对社会具有能动性
②  个人不是构成社会的前提,社会也不是个人存在和发展的基础
③  个人应该排斥社会,才能获得自由
④  个人和社会是一回事,是等同的
【单选题】 下列叙述中,体现了“公民在法律面前一律平等“的是()
①  法律不能朝令夕改,法律适用的结果也不能随意被推翻
②  法律的内容应当统一,下位阶的法律不得与上位阶的法律相抵触
③  法律不在于多少,而在于是否由人民制定,是否切实体现和维护人民的意志和利益
④  任何组织和个人都没有超越宪法和法律的特权,任何组织和个人的违法行为都必须依法受到追究
【单选题】 “精诚所致、金石为开”体现了人际交往的( )。
①  平等原则
②  诚信原则
③  互助原则
④  宽容原则
【单选题】 古人说:志之所趋,无远勿届,穷山距海,不能限也。志之所向,无坚不入,锐兵精甲,不能御也。这句话说明()
①  理想信念是人生的精神向导
②  理想信念是人生的精神动力
③  理想信念是人生的精神支柱
④  理想信念是人生的指路明灯