He had a cottage which consists _____ three rooms, a bathroom and kitchen.
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smaller of which
②  the smallest of which
③  the smallest of them
④  smallest of that
【单选题】 There were two small rooms in the house, _______ served as a bathroom.
①  the smallest of which
②  the smallest of them
③  the smaller of which
④  smallest of that
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 15.The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours ______ he realized it.
①  when
②  until
③  after
④  before
【判断题】 By?the end of last month, he?had learned?three thousand new words.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He told me how he had given me shelter and protection without which I __________ of hunger.
①  would be died
②  would die
③  would have died
④  will die
【单选题】 England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______ climate is generally mild.
①  She;her
②  She;its
③  He;his
④  It;its
【单选题】 He also checks daily ( ) in the rooms and necessary supplies
①  articles
②  items
③  things
④  matters
【单选题】 If he had worked harder, he ___.
①  would succeed
②  had succeeded
③  should succeed
④  would have succeeded
【单选题】 Before?he came to China, he??[填空]Chinese for three years.
①  have learned
②  had learned
③  learned
④  learning
【单选题】 汉语“伯母、婶娘、姑母、姨母、舅母”在英语中统称为“aunt”,这种现象反映了语义的()
①  系统性
②  灵活性
③  民族性
④  模糊性
【单选题】 下列词语属于半音译半意译词的是()
①  扑克
②  逻辑
③  香槟酒
④  芭蕾
【单选题】 下列词中全是重叠构词的是()
①  爸爸、白白、常常、干干净净
②  姐姐、跌跌撞撞、皑皑、星星
③  大大方方、高高兴兴、刚刚、姥姥
④  渐渐、仅仅、猩猩、爷爷
【单选题】 “桌子我都擦干净了”中的“擦”,受事为()
①  桌子
③  干净
【单选题】 下列词中义项含有色彩义的是()
①  钱包
②  壁垒
③  裤子
④  高峰
【单选题】 下列词中具有[+同胞][+女性][+年长]义素的词是()
①  伯父
②  弟弟
③  哥哥
④  姐姐
【单选题】 下列语言单位属于“惯用语”的是()
②  守株待兔
③  敲竹杠
④  情人眼里出西施
【单选题】 下列单位中不属于音义结合的单位是()
②  语素
③  义素
④  词组
【单选题】 下列词中具有[+用于照明][-用电]义素的词是()
①  壁灯
②  吊灯
③  路灯
④  油灯
【判断题】 英语中定语和状语出现的位置,都是既可以出现在中心语之前,也可以出现在中心语之后。( )
①  正确
②  错误