苏洵、苏轼、苏辙父子皆入选“唐宋八大家”。( )
【判断题】 苏洵、苏轼、苏辙父子皆入选“唐宋八大家”。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 苏洵、苏轼、苏辙父子皆入选“唐宋八大家”。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 “唐宋八大家”中“苏门三父子”是指( )。
①  苏轼
②  苏洵
③  苏辙
④  苏芮
【多选题】 唐宋八大家是唐宋时期八大散文作家的合称,即唐代的韩愈、柳宗元和宋代的欧阳修、苏轼、苏洵、苏辙,和( )。
①  黄庭坚
②  曾巩
③  陈子昂
④  王安石
【单选题】 唐宋八大家是唐宋时期八大散文作家的合称,唐代的有________。
①  韩愈、柳宗元
②  韩愈、欧阳修
③  柳宗元、欧阳修
④  苏轼、欧阳修
【单选题】 下列不属于唐宋八大家的是?
①  曾巩
②  欧阳修
③  韩愈
④  白居易
【单选题】 “唐宋八大家”是指( )方面的八位作家。
①  诗歌
②  散文
④  小说
【单选题】 下列作者中,名列“唐宋八大家”的是()
①  白居易
②  柳宗元
③  司马光
④  辛弃疾
【单选题】 下列作家中哪位不在唐宋八大家之列( )。
①  王安石
②  范仲淹
③  曾巩
④  欧阳修
【判断题】 唐宋八大家中是江西人的是欧阳修、王安石、苏轼。
【单选题】 Your coat needs to be washed,________it?
①  mustnt
②  neednt
③  doesnt
④  cant
【单选题】 It may only be through repeated experiments _______ a baby will come to accept the idea _______ other people can have different views from what he or she has.
①  how;which
②  how;that
③  that;that
④  which;which
【单选题】 This technology has been ?around for a long time, but not until recent years _______ it in marketing.
①  businesses employed
②  did businesses employ
③  businesses had employed?
④  had businesses employed
【单选题】 And there,almost________in the big chair,sat her little brother,who never had to be told to keep quiet.
①  having lost
②  losing
③  to be lost
④  lost
【单选题】 Neither of them________the snake.
①  dares catches
②  dare to catch
③  dare catching
④  dare catch
【单选题】 Ourclassroomis ______ largerthantheirs.
①  more
②  quite
③  very
④  much
【单选题】 Look out ! That tree_______ fall down.
①  is going to
②  will be
③  shall
④  would
【单选题】 Itwasveryhotyesterday,butitis _______today.
①  evenhotter
②  morehotter
③  muchmorehot
④  muchhot
【单选题】 He________listen to pop music,but now he________dancing.
①  is used to;used to
②  used to;is used to
③  used to;is used for
④  is used for;used to
【单选题】 ________,the subject was always in my mind.
①  Walking or sleeping
②  Walking or slept
③  Having walked or slept
④  To walk and sleep