Its very safe[填空]here.
【单选题】 It’s very safe_______here.
①  living
②  live
③  lived
【单选题】 Its very hot here. Why not [填空] your coat?
①  have on
②  take off
③  put off
④  put on
【判断题】 It’s a nice living here.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Its very kind of you to show me the way. B: [填空].
①  Youre welcome
②  It was nothing
③  Not at all
④  Never mind
【单选题】 Air is very important, _________ we cannot live any more.
①  without that
②  no which
③  where
④  without which
【单选题】 A: Is there a bank near here? B: [填空].
①  Its very far
②  Its here
③  Yes, there is a big one
④  Its very crowded
【单选题】 Its reported that a new hospital _____________here next year.
①  would be set up
②  was going to set up
③  will be set up
④  is going to set up
【单选题】 — _________________________— Thanks! Its very kind of you to invite me.
①  How are you?
②  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
③  Do you like this festival?
④  Would you like something to have?
【多选题】 _____________ its very hot in the summer, the other seasons are beautiful.
①  Even though
②  Even if
③  Although
④  Though
【单选题】 Its a such cold winter day! Here cold takes the []meaning.
①  denotative
②  connotative
【判断题】 银监会颁布的《商业银行小企业授信工作尽职指引试行》规定商业银行小企业授信可用于其经营的所有行业、项目和产品
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 商业银行的被动负债是( )
①  发行债券
②  吸收存款
③  同业拆借
④  再贷款(资产)
【判断题】 对处于资金正缺口担心利率下降减少投资收益的银行,应购入看跌期权。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 商业银行向中央银行借款可以用于投资。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 贷款呆账系指按借款人的清偿能力或法律规定,确认无法收回的贷款。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 抵押人所担保的债权不得超出其抵押物的价值
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 银监会2009年颁布的《固定资产贷款管理暂行办法》规定固定资产贷款发放和支付过程中,贷款人应确认与拟发放贷款同比例的项目( )并与贷款配套使用。
①  现金流量
②  还贷保障资金
③  资本金足额到位
④  抵、质物
【判断题】 一级储备主要包括库存现金、在中央银行的存款、短期国库券。()
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 同一笔贷款可以拆分进行五级分类
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 对集团性客户应重点分析客户第一还款来源和担保情况
①  正确
②  错误