饥不欲食见于( )
【单选题】 心脾两虚证除脾气虚外.还有( )
①  心气虚
②  心血虚
③  心阴虚
④  心阳虚
⑤  脾阳虚
【单选题】 肝胃不和证可见
①  胸胁灼痛,咳嗽咯血
②  脘腹胀满,尿少水肿
③  胸胁胀痛,胃脘胀满
④  胸胁胀痛,腹胀纳呆
⑤  颧红胁痛,腰膝酸软
【单选题】 脾阳虚证的辨证要点有
①  腰膝酸软
②  脉弦
③  淡红舌
④  呕吐
⑤  畏寒肢冷
【单选题】 气虚证的临床表现通常可见
①  脱肛
②  舌淡
③  小便清长
④  恶寒喜暖
⑤  头重如裹
【单选题】 用于脾胃气虚所致的疳证的药物是()。
①  小儿消食片
②  健脾消食丸
③  小儿化食丸
④  肥儿丸
⑤  一捻金
【单选题】 经皮内窥镜引导下胃造口术的适应证为()
①  无法进行透视检查,食管阻塞
②  喉癌术后,顽固呛咳的患者
③  无法将胃壁和腹壁贴近者
④  严重返流
⑤  急性胰腺炎或腹膜炎
【多选题】 关于治疗脾肺阴虚证下列那个选项适合?
①  A.温补肾阳
②  B.大补肾阳
③  C.养阴润肺
④  D.益气健脾
【单选题】 气虚欲脱,脉微欲绝证时应首选何药?( )
①  党参
②  西洋参
③  人参
④  黄芪
⑤  太子参
【单选题】 具有解表清热,宣肺化痰,用于小儿外感风寒、肺胃蕴热证的药物是()。
①  解肌宁嗽丸
②  肥儿宝颗粒
③  健脾康儿片
④  儿感清口服液
⑤  小儿热速清口服液
【单选题】 经放射线CT下引导经皮行胃造口术的适应证为()
①  机械性或麻痹性肠梗塞
②  广泛性肠粘连
③  消化道出血
④  球麻痹吞咽困难患者
⑤  放射性肠炎急性期
【单选题】 The manager came over and asked the customer how ___.
①  did the quarrel came about
②  the quarrel had come about
③  had the quarrel come about
④  had the quarrel come about
【判断题】 The population of beijing has been increased for ten years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ___ I saw the computer, I showed great interest in it.
①  At first
②  For the first time
③  Until
④  The first time
【判断题】 Can you arrive the top of the roof?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He speaks English ___ he speaks his mother tongue.
①  so good as
②  as good as
③  so well as
④  as well as
【单选题】 My mother is __________ a piece of meat.
①  knife
②  knifing
③  knifes
④  kniked
【单选题】 I often visited Tian’an Men Square ___ I was staying in Beijing.
①  until
②  during
③  while
④  throughout
【单选题】 Try ___ he might, he couldn’t get out of difficulty.
①  when
②  where
③  till
④  as
【单选题】 Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane __________.
①  takes off
②  ia taking off
③  has taken off
④  took off
【判断题】 When did you arrive in new york?
①  正确
②  错误