【单选题】 八纲中的虚实辨证是辨别疾病的( )
①  病位
②  病因
③  病性
④  邪正盛衰
⑤  病程
【单选题】 按中医辨证学分类,不属于八纲辨证的功效是()。
①  温里
②  解表
③  滋阴
④  助阳
⑤  安神
【多选题】 八纲中以阴阳为总纲,其余六纲中属阳的是( )
【多选题】 邪正斗争所发生的盛衰变化影响着:( )
①  疾病阴阳转化的病机
②  疾病的发展与转归
③  疾病的表里转化的病
④  疾病的寒热转化的病机
⑤  病证的虚实变化
【单选题】 ()果断停止以阶级斗争为纲的错误口号,停止了把“阶级斗争为纲”作为社会主要矛盾的认识。
①  A 十一届三中全会
②  B 十一届六中全会
③  C 中国共产党八大
④  D 中国共产党九大
【多选题】 中医的辨证包括:( )
①  病变的过程
②  病变的原因
③  病变的部位
④  病变的性质
⑤  邪正的关系
【单选题】 辨别病变性质的纲领是
①  虚实辨证
②  寒热辨证
③  阴阳辨证
④  表里辨证
⑤  八纲辨证
【单选题】 按中医辨证学分类,不属于经络辨证或六经辨证的功效是()。
①  泻肝胆实火
②  和解少阳
③  散少阴经风寒
④  散太阳经风寒
⑤  降厥阴经上逆之寒气
【判断题】 辨证是分析四诊资料,对疾病作出证名诊断
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中医认识治疗疾病,着眼于辨证而不辨病
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 1. I have two friends but_______of them 1ikes to go fishing with me.
①  none
②  neither
③  both
④  either
【单选题】 Mary is _____ a translation of a French novel.
①  engaged in
②  busy in
③  absorbed in
④  occupied with
【单选题】 2. Manytallbuildings have sprung_________inthis small city.
①  out
②  into
③  up
④  across
【单选题】 Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class; she _____ have studied very hard.
①  may
②  should
③  must
④  ought to
【单选题】 2. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen.
①  go by
②  go on
③  go over
④  go after
【单选题】 3. He said he had ______ this subject for ten years.
①  taught
②  pursued
③  demanded
④  afforded
【单选题】 He _____ the old ladywith 10 pounds for bringing back the lost dog
①  rewarded
②  prized
③  gave
④  paid
【单选题】 9.We should really take some effective ______ to prevent such terrible things from happening again.
①  measures
②  steps
③  means
④  ways
【单选题】 11.Andrew was determined to ______ a computer career after graduation.
①  apply
②  shave
③  purse
④  select
【单选题】 At the bus stop _____ a soldier and two young people on their way to North Carolina.
①  were
②  was
③  is
④  waiting