【单选题】 药材呈长卵形乳滴状、类圆形颗粒或粘合成大小不等的不规则块状物,表面黄白色,半透明的药材是
①  乳香
②  血竭
③  松香
④  阿魏
⑤  没药
【单选题】 呈卵圆形,具三棱,表面灰黄色或稍深,粗糙,有纵线6条,内有三室,每室一粒种子,有此特征的中药材是
①  砂仁
②  益智
③  豆蔻
④  栀子
⑤  巴豆
【单选题】 牙内吸收的患牙髓腔(),呈圆形或卵圆形或不规则形密度减低的透射影
①  缩小
②  扩大
③  大小不变
④  密度增加
【单选题】 呈纺锤形,两端略尖。表面黄白色或淡黄色,有细纵皱纹。质柔韧,断面黄白色,半透明,中柱细小的药材是
①  山麦冬
②  天冬
③  麦冬
④  百部
⑤  射干
【单选题】 饮片类月牙形薄片,外表面紫红色或红棕色,具不规则的深皱纹,切面棕红色,质坚硬,气微,味酸涩的中药材是
①  肉桂
②  枳壳
③  秦皮
④  木瓜
⑤  厚朴
【单选题】 果实表面散有不规则紫黑色斑点的中药材是
①  五味子
②  女贞子
③  决明子
④  牛蒡子
⑤  吴茱萸
【单选题】 表面棕红色或暗棕红色,粗糙,具纵皱纹。老根外皮疏松,多显紫棕色,常呈鳞片状剥落。质硬而脆,断面疏松,有裂隙或略平整而致密,皮部棕红色,木部灰黄色或紫褐色,导管束黄白色,呈放射状排列。气微,味微苦涩。该药材是
①  续断
②  丹参
③  胡黄连
④  黄芩
⑤  紫草
【单选题】 表面多呈朽木状,气芳香,味苦的中药材为
①  通草
②  苏木
③  降香
④  鸡血藤
⑤  沉香
【单选题】 呈长卵形,似毛笔头,表面密被灰白色或灰绿色长茸毛的中药材是
①  款冬花
②  菊花
③  辛夷
④  金银花
⑤  槐花
【单选题】 果实表面棕红色或红黄色,具有6条翅状纵棱的药材是
①  枸杞子
②  地肤子
③  栀子
④  蛇床子
⑤  女贞子
【单选题】 I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A!
①  Don’t worry about it
②  Congratulations! That’s a difficult course
③  Mr Brown is very good
④  Good luck to you!
【单选题】 __________ evidence that language acquiring ability must be stimulate@@
①  It being
②  It is
③  There is
④  There being
【单选题】 Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
①  some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
②  Smith prepared some notes
③  The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
④  Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 For a successful business, friendly and __________ staff are essential.
①  sufficient
②  effective
③  efficient
④  respective
【单选题】 Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan?
①  Yes, Dr Chock
②  I think so, either
③  Yes, I hope not
④  No, I have no idea
【单选题】 These are certainly beautiful flowers. Thank you so much.
①  No, no. It’s nothing
②  You are welcome.
③  Yes, I agree
④  Yes, I think so, too
【单选题】 Excuse me. I don’t want to interrupt you but …
①  Can I help you?
②  Certainly, how dare you
③  It’s quite all right
④  Yes, you did
【单选题】 Latin America has an __________ labor force and natural resources.
①  wealthy
②  abundant
③  scattered
④  deposited
【单选题】 Could I use your dictionary for a moment?
①  It’s well
②  It doesn’t matter
③  By all means
④  I have no idea
【单选题】 Can I borrow your camera for a couple of days?
①  Yes, you may borrow
②  Yes, go on
③  Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey
④  It doesn’t matter