情绪的表达方式不包括( )。
【单选题】 情绪的表达方式不包括( )。
①  肢体语言
②  思维活动
③  面部表情
④  言语表情
【判断题】 与书面语言不通,体态语言指的是通过肢体动作或表情变化来交流思想,表达情感的一种语言表达方式。比如通过眼神、手势、坐姿、站相、面部表情等
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 在几种主要表情动作中面部表情起着主要作用,而身段表情和言语表情则没有多少作用。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 声音的运用不包括面部表情和手势。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列表情中属于面部表情的是( )
①  两手相搓
②  手舞足蹈
③  眼观避开
④  拍手鼓掌
【判断题】 态势语言包括面部表情、眼神、身姿、空间距离、服饰装束等。
【判断题】 面部表情是比嘴里讲的更复杂的语言。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 表情传达情绪。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 面目表情是指人们面部所显示出的综合表情。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 面部表情是比嘴里讲的更复杂、更难驾驭的语言。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 14.He hasnt come yet.What do you consider _______ to him?
①  happens
②  hashappened
③  happening
④  tohappen
【单选题】 16.—Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you? ---Yes, but much.
①  remainstodo
②  isremainedtodo
③  remainstobedone
④  isremainedtobedone
【单选题】 18. ______ the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.
①  That
②  When
③  Where
④  Though
【单选题】 13. Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li _____ for Beijing to join in the fight again SARS, so we only had time for a few words.
①  justleft
②  hasjustleft
③  isjustleaving
④  wasjustleaving
【单选题】 21. — When will you leave for Paris for a visit? — next month.
①  Until
②  After
③  At
④  In
【单选题】 27. For quite _____ students,their teachers advice is more important than _____ of their parents.
①  few;one
②  afew;that
③  alittle;some
④  alot;many
【单选题】 23. Never _______ forget the days when _______ together with you.
①  shallI;Ilived
②  shallI;didIlive
③  Ishall;Ilived
④  Ishall;didIlived
【单选题】 28. "_____ your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations.
①  Howagreatsuccess
②  Whatagreatsuccess
③  Howgreatsuccess
④  Whatgreatsuccess
【单选题】 24. Why didnt you tell me there was no meeting today? I _____ all the way here _____the heavy snow.
①  neednthavedriven;though
②  canthavedriven;across
③  mustnthavedriven;through
④  shouldnthavedriven;cross
【单选题】 25.It was the training _______ he had at school _______ made him good jumper.
①  what;what
②  that;that
③  what;that
④  that;had