下列文件中,( )是Word 类型的文档。
【单选题】 一个文件路径名为:C:\groupa\text1\293.txt,其中text1是一个( )。
①  文件夹
②  根文件夹
③  文件
④  文本文件
【单选题】 一个文件路径名为:C:\groupa\text1\293.txt,其中text1是一个( )。
①  文件夹
②  根文件夹
③  文件
④  文本文件
【单选题】 文本框text1的text属性的数据类型是()。
①  整数型
②  字符串
③  单精度
④  双精度
【单选题】 在TEXT命令中,在提示TEXT:输入0.2%%D,得到的实际文本为________。
①  0.2
②  0.2°
③  0.2%
④  ± 0.2
【单选题】 在TEXT命令中,在提示TEXT:输入%%P0.2,得到实际文本为________。
①  0.02
②  0.2
③  0.2%
④  ±0.2
【单选题】 如果准备读文件,打开顺序文件“text.dat”的正确语句是()。
①  open “text.dat” For wirte As #1
②  open “text.dat” For Binary As #1
③  open “text.dat” For Input As #1
④  open “text.dat” For Random As #1
【单选题】 下列文件中,( )是Word 类型的文档。
①  Text.txt
②  Text.docx
③  Text.pptx
④  Text.xlsx
【单选题】 关于保险合同是否成立,下列说法正确的是<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;"></span><spanstyle="text-decoration:underline;"></span>。
①  保险人签发了保险单,保险合同方可视为成立
②  只要投保人按规定填写了投保单,保险合同即可视为成立
③  只有投保人交付了保险费,保险合同方可视为成立
④  投保人提出保险要求,经保险人同意承保,并就合同的条款达成一致,保险合同即可视为成立
【单选题】 语句〈a name=“second”〉text〈/a〉的作用是( )。
①  设置超级链接,链接到second页面上
②  设置一个书签为second的标记
③  设置一个链接,指向second文件
④  设置第二个链接
【单选题】 用TEXT命令画圆直径符号“Φ”应用()
①  %%u
②  %%p
③  %%o
④  %%c
【单选题】 I hate people who ____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.
①  reveal
②  rewrite
③  revise
④  reverse
【单选题】 Since the matter was extremely _____, we dealt with it immediately.
①  tough
②  tense
③  urgent
④  instant
【单选题】 As to who is to be hired, it is the Human Resources Department()has the final say.
①  whose
②  those
③  these
④  that
【单选题】 Twenty people were _______ wounded in the air crash.
①  quickly
②  wrongly
③  bitterly
④  seriously
【单选题】 Evidence came up _____ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
①  what
②  that
③  which
④  why
【单选题】 As a result of careless washing the jacket _____ to a child’s size.
①  compressed
②  shrank
③  dropped
④  decreased
【单选题】 Two thousand dollars ______ enough for the car.
①  being
②  were
③  are
④  is
【单选题】 Would you like some more coffee? There’s still _______ left.
①  a few
②  few
③  a little
④  1ittle
【单选题】 ____________ I’m 20.
①  How are you?
②  How old are you?
③  Where are you from?
④  May I have your name?
【单选题】 Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.
①  critical
②  aware
③  visual
④  effective