用内容提示向导来创建PowerPoint演示文稿时,演示文稿的标题填在( )
【单选题】 用内容提示向导来创建PowerPoint演示文稿时,演示文稿的标题填在( )
①  页脚栏中
②  添加
③  演示文稿标题栏中
④  输出类型
【单选题】 要让PowerPoint 2016制作的演示文稿在PowerPoint 2003中放映,必须将演示文稿的保存类型设置为( )。
①  PowerPoint演示文稿(*.pptx)
②  PowerPoint 97-2003演示文稿(*.ppt)
③  XPS文档(*.xps)
④  Windows Media视频(*.wmv)
【单选题】 要让Powerpoint 2010制作的演示文稿在Powerpoint 2003中放映,必须将演示文稿的保存类型设置为()。
①  Powerpoint演示文稿(*.pptx)
②  Powerpoint97-2003演示文稿(*.ppt)
③  XPS文档(*.xps)
④  Windows Media视频(*.wmv)
【单选题】 要让Powerpoint 2010制作的演示文稿在Powerpoint 2003中放映,必须将演示文稿的保存类型设置为()。
①  Powerpoint演示文稿(*.pptx)
②  Powerpoint97-2003演示文稿(*.ppt)
③  XPS文档(*.xps)
④  Windows Media视频(*.wmv)
【单选题】 用内容提示向导来创建PowerPoint演示文稿时,“在每张幻灯片都包含的对象”,关于页脚对话框中内容的说法,正确的是( )
①  必须要填写页脚
②  一定不能填写页脚
③  可以填也可以不填
④  根本没有这个窗口
【单选题】 用内容提示向导来创建PowerPoint演示文稿时,“在每张幻灯片都包含的对象”,关于页脚对话框中内容的说法,正确的是( )
①  必须要填写页脚
②  一定不能填写页脚
③  可以填也可以不填
④  根本没有这个窗口
【单选题】 要让 PowerPoint 2010 制作的演示文稿在 PowerPoint 2003 中放映,必须将演示文稿的保存类型设置为( )。
①  A)PowerPoint演示文稿(*.pptx)
②  PowerPoint 97-2003演示文稿(*.ppt)
③  XPS文档(*.xps)
④  Windows Media视频(*.wmv)
【单选题】 在播放演示文稿时( )。
①  只能按顺序播放
②  只能按幻灯片编号的顺序播放
③  可以按任意顺序播放
④  D.不能倒回去播放
【单选题】 在Powerpoint2000中,不能将正在编辑的演示文稿另存为()类型的文件
①  A、文本文件
②  B、演示文稿
③  C、演示文稿
④  D、powerPoint放映
【单选题】 PowerPoint演示文稿的缺省扩展名为( )
①  .DOCX
②  .TXTX
③  .PPTX
④  .XLSX
【单选题】 I’m very sorry to have ____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.
①  interfered
②  offended
③  impressed
④  bothered
【单选题】 If we say some food is ____, we mean it is safe to eat.
①  ideal
②  editable
③  ideate
④  edible
【单选题】 Most people came to realize that it was about time the government ____ further measures to control the population.
①  must take
②  is taking
③  takes
④  took
【单选题】 He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
①  novel
②  spoil
③  acceptable
④  additional
【单选题】 Her skin was dry after ____ to the wind during the trip.
①  failure
②  disclosure
③  exposure
④  pressure
【单选题】 Though ____ in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the primitive scenes of country life.
①  grown
②  raised
③  tended
④  cultivated
【单选题】 The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ______ chemist’s.
①  each
②  some
③  certain
④  any
【单选题】 The computer has brought about surprising technological changes ____ we organize and produce information.
①  in a way
②  in the way
③  in that way
④  in no way
【单选题】 When Mr. Jones gets old, he will ____ his business to his son.
①  take over
②  hand over
③  think over
④  get over
【单选题】 The ____ of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886.
①  Status
②  Statue
③  Stature
④  State