【多选题】 新闻作品怎样“用事实说话”?
①  精选事实
②  多细节,少议论
③  多解释,少晦涩
④  插叙场景、背景和人物形象
【判断题】 “用事实说话”就是在新闻报道中多使用新闻评论的手法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 新闻用事实说话,即写出事实并把事实说清楚,是"根据事实来描写事实"而不是"根据希望来描写事实"().
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用事实说话”概念,一般专指在广播电视新闻写作中通过对新闻事实材料的分析、取舍和安排,通过事实本身的内在逻辑来表达观点、立场和主张的一种方法。不包括
①  选择典型事实说话
②  通过再现场景说话
③  运用背景材料说话
④  借用采访人物说话
【多选题】 犯罪事实的叙述方法有( )?
①  按时间顺序叙述
②  按犯罪性质叙述
③  按综合归纳法叙述
④  由轻到重叙述
【判断题】 “用事实说话”,是由新闻采写过程中“事”与“意”的矛盾决定的。本质上是新闻传播的规律和精神产品生产的规律之间的矛盾。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 新闻的客观性原则要求:对事实的高度重视、将事实和言论分开、公正的报道立场、客观报道方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 通报中叙述事实,要注意细节。
①  正确
②  错误
【简答题】 作为论据的事实在议论文中的叙述,是一种[填空1] 性的叙述,切不可照搬事实材料。
【单选题】 起诉意见书叙述事实的开头语是(??)
①  经依法侦查预审证实
②  经依法侦查终结
③  经依法侦查查明
④  经依法侦查终结证实
【单选题】 6.The university has introduced a new _______ of conduct on university life.
①  discipline
②  . code
③  key
④  . principle
【单选题】 7.We could see he felt ______ as he pointed and laughed at them.
①  inferior
②  . stupid
③  superior
④  advanced
【单选题】 21.Did you hear_____ noise just now?
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  one
【单选题】 27. I know the meeting will be on ______ Sunday in June, but I don’t know the exact date yet.
①  the
②  a
③  /
④  each
【单选题】 22. ______ Renaissance was the period of the revival of classical art and literature in the 14th to 16th centuries.
①  The
②  a
③  /
④  . one
【单选题】 10.A discount will be offered to _____ customers to the store.
①  usual
②  ordinary
③  regular
④  old
【单选题】 17. Realizing the immense international pressure, the President_____ stepped down.
①  conspicuously
②  gracefully
③  lonely
④  . truly
【单选题】 2. Whenever I called in on Paul, he _______ on the phone.
①  talked
②  is talking
③  was talking
④  will talk
【单选题】 3. He ______ hard until I told him to sit down and have a break.
①  was working
②  had been working
③  worked
④  has worked
【单选题】 19. He tried to _____ from his memory what he knew of his former neighbor..
①  think of
②  remember
③  summon
④  gave way