【判断题】 在 PowerPoint 2010的视图选项卡中,演示文稿视图有普通视图、幻灯片浏览、备注页和阅读视图四种模式。( )
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 ( ):指的是在普通的演示文稿视图下,鼠标所在的幻灯片。选择此项,只能打印所在的幻灯片
①  选定幻灯片
②  自定义放映
③  当前幻灯片
【单选题】 在Powerpoint 2010的普通视图中,隐藏了某个幻灯片后,在幻灯片放映时被隐藏的幻灯片将会( )。
①  从文件中删除
②  在幻灯片放映时不放映,但仍然保存在文件中
③  在幻灯片放映是仍然可放映,但是幻灯片上的部分内容被隐藏
④  在普通视图的编辑状态中看不到该幻灯片
【单选题】 在PowerPont中,对幻灯片的重新排序,添加和删除幻灯片以及演示文稿整体构思都特别有用的视图 。
①  幻灯片视图
②  幻灯片浏览视图
③  大纲视图
④  备注页视图
【单选题】 在PowerPont中,对幻灯片的重新排序,添加和删除幻灯片以及演示文稿整体构思都特别有用的视图()。
①  幻灯片视图
②  幻灯片浏览视图
③  大纲视图
④  备注页视图
【单选题】 在Prowerpoint中的哪种视图方式下,可以将所有制作的演示幻灯片以页的形式显示( )
①  普通视图  
②  大纲视图  
③  web视图  
④  幻灯片浏览视图
【单选题】 调整幻灯片的顺序、设置幻灯片切换方式或设置每张幻灯片的播放时间应使用
①  大纲视图
②  幻灯片浏览视图
③  幻灯片放映视图
④  幻灯片视图
【单选题】 PowerPoint幻灯片浏览视图中,若要选择多个不连续的幻灯片,在单击选定幻灯片前应该按住?
①  Shift键
②  Alt键
③  Ctrl键
④  Enter键
【单选题】 PowerPoint幻灯片浏览视图中,若要选择多个不连续的幻灯片,在单击选定幻灯片前应该按住______
①  Shift键
②  Alt键
③  Ctrl键
④  Enter键
【单选题】 想改变演示文稿中幻灯片的顺序,能实现且最方便的视图环境是( )。
①  幻灯片放映
②  幻灯片浏览
③  备注
④  幻灯片
【单选题】 The thieves _____ the possibility of the alarm system sounding
①  overtook
②  overcame
③  overlooked
④  overworked
【单选题】 He was _____her in intelligence.
①  below
②  under
③  beneath
④  down
【单选题】 The human race has already paid a heavy price for its slow _____to environmental threats.
①  response
②  responsibility
③  resolution
④  resistance
【单选题】 He did me a _____turn by lending me ten pounds.
①  good
②  nice
③  fine
④  pretty
【单选题】 Not until three years ago _____ to work outside.
①  he began
②  he begins
③  began he
④  did he begin
【单选题】 I _____him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
①  ought to have sent
②  couldn’t have sent
③  must have sent
④  needn’t have sent
【单选题】 My friend and adviser _____ to lend me his money.
①  have agreed
②  has agreed
③  agreed
④  are agreed
【单选题】 When he bent down to tie his shoelace, the belt of his trousers _____.
①  ruined
②  cracked
③  broke
④  split
【单选题】 In today’s newspaper, it _____ that there will be a new election tomorrow.
①  tells
②  states
③  writes
④  records
【单选题】 _____ in the past, at the moment it is a favorite choice for wedding gown.
①  Unpopular has as white been
②  White has been as unpopular
③  Unpopular has been as white
④  Unpopular as white has been