Did Tom tell you to water the flowers?
No. And so did I
No. And neither did I
He did And so I did
He did And so do I
【单选题】 Did the medicine make you feel better?No. The more _______, _______ I feel.
①  medicine I take; and the worse
②  medicine I take; the worse
③  I take medicine; the worse
④  I take medicine; worse
【单选题】 Did you get a dictionary?No. I________,but there were not any________.
①  tried;to be left;
②  had tried to;leaving
③  tried to;left
④  had tried;have left
【单选题】 1.—Did you accept his invitation? — ____bet I did.
①  I
②  You
③  People
④  They
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _______ and disorder!
①  mess
②  mass
③  guess
④  bus
【单选题】 Hi, Sam, I think you did a good jo@@
①  Thank you
②  Don’t mention it
③  Not at all
④  I did it quite badly
【判断题】 A: I have failed. I dont know why I did so badly. B: Thats all right.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a____ and disorder!
①  mass
②  mess
③  guess
④  bus
【单选题】 18.- Did you get a dictionary?- No, I _____, but there were not any _____.
①  tried; to be left
②  had tried to; leaving
③  tried to; left
④  had tried; have left
【单选题】 In high school, I was very unpopular, and I did ( ) the discrimination from my classmates.
①  encountered
②  encounter
③  had encountered
④  will encounter
【单选题】 08. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I could not ____ the time.
①  offer
②  leave
③  affor
④  manage
【单选题】 中国历史上第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典是()
①  《中华民国宪法》
②  《钦定宪法大纲》
③  《中华民国约法》
④  《中华民国临时约法》
【单选题】 日本在甲午战争后迫使清政府签订了()
①  《天津条约》
②  《北京条约》
③  《马关条约》
④  《辛丑条约》
【单选题】 1953年,中共中央提出了过渡时期总路线,内容不包括对()的社会主义改造
①  农业?
②  手工业
③  资本主义工商业?
④  服务行业
【单选题】 中共八大认为国内的主要矛盾是()
①  工人阶级和资产阶级的矛盾
②  工人阶级和农民阶级的矛盾
③  农民阶级和地主阶级的矛盾
④  人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需要同当前经济文化不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾
【单选题】 新文化运动的基本口号是()
①  科学、进步
②  独立、富强
③  民主、科学
④  自由、民主
【单选题】 近代中国第一个全国性资产阶级革命政党是()
①  兴中会
②  光复会
③  华兴会
④  同盟会
【单选题】 1928年12月29日,从东北发出通告,宣布“遵守三民主义,服从国民政府,改易旗帜”的是()
①  张作霖
②  杨靖宇
③  张学良
④  周保中
【单选题】 革命派与改良派辩论的焦点是()
①  要不要推翻帝制,实行共和
②  要不要进行社会革命
③  要不要以革命手段推翻清王朝
④  要不要向西方学习
【单选题】 中国共产党第一次明确概括社会主义初级阶段基本路线的会议是()。
①  中共十三大
②  中共十二大
③  中共十四大
④  中共十五大
【单选题】 新民主主义社会的特点是()
①  比较固定的
②  不变的
③  过渡的
④  独立的