I am very grateful to you for what you’ve given me and __________ you have done for me.
all what
all that
【单选题】 I’ m going to do all I can to____ the unpleasant impression you have of me.
①  move
②  remove
③  shift
④  transform
【单选题】 I am all ears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.
①  in another words
②  in the other words
③  with other words
④  in other words
【单选题】 “Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!—I have as much soul as you,—and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. ” This passage is taken from ________.
①  Emma
②  Wuthering Heights
③  Jane Eyre
④  Pride and Prejudice
【单选题】 What animal do you like [填空]? I like all kinds of animals.
①  better
②  best
③  very
④  well
【单选题】 I am ____ grateful for the many kindnesses you have shown my son.
①  excessively
②  much
③  certainly
④  exceedingly
【单选题】 ---Tony, go to pay for the supper bills. ---Why _________ I? All of you are richer than me!
①  should
②  must
③  can
④  shall
【判断题】 A: Let me help you with that. B: Thats all right. I can manage.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Would you wait for me for a while? B: Thats all right.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 The question What is your affiliation? is to ask where you are working,you should answer I am with...
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Do you have any ice? I am used to have a nightcap before I go to bed.What is the meaning of the word “nightcap”?
①  沐浴
②  夜读
③  夜宵
④  睡前饮料
【简答题】 C语言中,++i是先[填空1],后[填空2];i--是先[填空3],后[填空4]。
【简答题】 赋值运算符比逗号运算符的优先级别[填空1]。
【简答题】 给出下列公式的C语言表达式[填空1][填空2][填空3][填空4]。<img src="http://huaweicloudobs.ahjxjy.cn/6634d37ae8c585d13587acb39988cdd9.png"/>
【简答题】 [填空1]运算符的优先级别最低。
【简答题】 表达式3*2+4.0/5?15%?4+(5*8/9+4)%5?1/2+1.0/2的值是[填空1]。
【简答题】 分析下面程序main(){ int x=2,y,z;x*=3+2;printf(%d\nx*=y=z=4;printf(%d\nx=y=1;z=x++-1;printf(%d,%d\n,x,z);z+=-x++ +(++y);printf(%d,%d,x,z); }程序的输出结果是[填空1]。
【简答题】 输入一个字符,如果是大写字母,则把其变成小写字母;如果是小写字母,则变成大写字母;其它字符不变。请在()内填入缺省的内容。main( ) { char scanf(“%c”, if ([填空1]) ch=ch+32; else if(ch=’a’ch=‘z’) ([填空2]);printf(”%c\n”,ch); }
【简答题】 C语言中,运算符的结合性有两种:左结合和右结合,左结合是[填空1]计算,右结合是[填空2]计算。
【简答题】 C语句分为:[填空1]语句、[填空2]语句、[填空3]语句、[填空4]语句和[填空5]语句。
【简答题】 下列程序的输出结果是[填空1]。#includestdio.hmain(){ char a;a=Aprintf(%d%c,a,a); }