If the whole program __________ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.
was not planned
were not planned
would not be planned
had not been planned
【单选题】 Obviously, the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were _____ and not planned.
①  substantial
②  spontaneous
③  simultaneous
④  synthetic
【单选题】 All things ____, the planned trip will have to be called off.
①  considered
②  be considered
③  considering
④  having considered
【单选题】 _________ such a good chance he planned to learn more.
①  giving
②  Having given
③  Having been given
④  To be given
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of calculations involved, ____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 If I had remembered __________ the window, the thief would not have got in.
①  to close
②  closing
③  to have closed
④  having closed
【单选题】 The popular singer who had been praised very highly____ to be a great disappointment.
①  turned in
②  turned out
③  turned up
④  turned down
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【单选题】 The residents, _____had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.
①  all of their homes
②  all their homes
③  whose all homes
④  all of whose homes
【判断题】 转移性支出直接影响生产和就业,间接影响国民收入分配。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 税负转嫁是指在商品交换过程中,纳税人通过提高销售价格或压低购买价格将税负转嫁给购买者或供应者的经济现象。
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 下列财政支出中属于转移性支出的有( )。
①  社会保障支出
②  财政补贴支出
③  文教科卫支出
④  捐赠支出
⑤  债务支出
【多选题】 财政补贴是国家为了实现特定的政治经济和社会目标向企业或居民个人提供的无偿补助,主要有( )等形式。
①  政策性补贴
②  企业亏损补贴
③  财政贴息
④  税收支出
⑤  其他补贴
【多选题】 下列属于中央银行负债业务的有( )。
①  发行货币
②  办理票据贴现
③  办理票据交换
④  吸收存款准备金
⑤  吸收政府存款
【多选题】 高利贷信用的特点是( )
①  利率高
②  非生产性
③  生产性
④  寄生性和破坏性
⑤  保守型
【单选题】 转移性支出是实现财政的( )职能的主要方式。
①  资源配置职能
②  收入分配职能
③  经济稳定与发展职能
④  监督管理职能
【单选题】 公债的“三性”不包括( )。
①  自愿性
②  有偿性
③  强制性
④  灵活性
【单选题】 预算管理的主体是( )。
①  国家
②  银行
③  事业单位
④  其他社会组织
【单选题】 我国财政收入的主要形式是( )。
①  税收收入
②  国有资产收入
③  债务收入
④  公共收费