We are interested in the weather because it __________ us so directly --- what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.
【单选题】 ____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
①  Since
②  When
③  While
④  Unless
【单选题】 What are we going to do? I am ________ your suggestion.
①  in
②  at
③  by
④  on
【判断题】 A: What should we do this evening? B: You say.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park _______ we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another __________ .
①  A occasion
②  situation
③  condition
④  environment
【单选题】 He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.
①  novel
②  spoil
③  acceptable
④  additional
【单选题】 What do think of the industrial park [填空] we visited last month?
①  of which
②  which
③  where
【单选题】 And what we got to __________ is a disgrace.
①  come up with
②  catch up with
③  put up with
④  keep up with
【单选题】 While we cannot close the gulf between us, we can try to bridge it so that we may be able to talk across it.
①  A.当我们无法弥合我们之间的鸿沟时,我们可以搭一座桥,以便越过它进行会谈。
②  B.在我们不能弥合双方之问的鸿沟时,我们可以修一座桥,为的是能够进行会谈。
③  C.虽然我们不能弥合双方之间的鸿沟,我们却能够设法搭一座桥,以便我们能够越过它进行会谈。
④  D.虽然我们可以修一座桥,为的是能够进行会谈,但我们却无法弥合双方之间的鸿沟。
【单选题】 How many [填空] do we have?
①  picture
②  pictures
③  a picture
④  pictures
【单选题】 下列属于短骨的是
①  远节指骨
②  髌骨
③  腕骨
④  椎骨
⑤  锁骨
【单选题】 胸骨角平对
①  第二肋骨
②  第二肋
③  第二胸椎
④  第二肋间
⑤  锁骨
【单选题】 关于骨髓的说法正确的是
①  骨髓都具有造血功能
②  成人红骨髓存在于骨髓腔内
③  黄骨髓不能转变为红骨髓
④  婴幼儿的骨髓都是红骨髓
⑤  成人骨松质内为黄骨髓
【单选题】 关于胸椎特点的描述错误的是
①  椎体较大
②  棘突长伸向后下方
③  有横突孔
④  有肋凹
⑤  椎孔较小
【单选题】 骶骨在体表能摸到的结构是
①  骶角
②  骶前孔
③  骶岬
④  耳状面
⑤  骶骨尖
【单选题】 不属于颅中窝的结构有
①  视神经管
②  眶上裂
③  内耳门
④  圆孔
⑤  卵圆孔
【单选题】 不属于脑颅骨的有
①  额骨
②  枕骨
③  蝶骨
④  筛骨
⑤  鼻骨
【单选题】 蝶窦开口于
①  上鼻道
②  中鼻道
③  下鼻道
④  蝶筛隐窝
⑤  总鼻道
【单选题】 不成对的面颅骨有
①  颧骨
②  泪骨
③  顶骨
④  犁骨
⑤  腭骨
【单选题】 下颌骨的结构中不包括
①  眶下沟
②  颏孔
③  下颌角
④  颏棘
⑤  下颌孔