Having been asked to speak at the convention __________
some notes were prepared for Dr. Smith
Smith prepared some notes
The convention members were pleased to hear Dr. Smith
Some notes were prepared by Dr. Smith
【单选题】 A: I have an appointment with Dr. Lee. B: [填空]
①  Please wait for a minute.
②  Are you sick?
③  Tell me about your appointment.
④  Dr. Lee didnt tell me.
【多选题】 Hello, this is John. May I_________ Dr. Black?
①  talk to
②  speak to
③  speak with
④  talk with
【单选题】 Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office?
①  You can’t ask me
②  Pardon? I have no idea
③  Please don’t say so
④  Sorry I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there
【判断题】 Do you remember being introduced to Dr. Robert during the interview.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 — Could I make an appointment with Dr. Zhang to check my teeth tomorrow morning?— .
①  Certainly!
②  No, you cannot.
③  He isn’t in.
④  ok
【判断题】 A: Hello! This is Lee. I want to speak to Smith. B: This is Smith.
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 A: Hello! This is Lee. I want to speak to Smith. B: This is Smith.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused ____ the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 Dr. Park was accused _____the patient with overdose of sleeping pills so that the patient’s life was determined before the expected time.
①  of providing
②  with providing
③  to have provided
④  to provide
【单选题】 There were some ____ flowers on the table.
①  artificial
②  unnatural
③  false
④  unreal
【单选题】 2.下列不属于存款类金融机构的是( )
①  商业银行
②  储蓄贷款机构
③  保险机构
④  信贷协会
【单选题】 3.最早的国际收支概念是指( )
①  广义国际收支
②  狭义国际收支
③  贸易收支
④  外汇收支
【单选题】 6.直接标价法和间接标价法的区别主要有
①  使用的标准货币不同
②  汇率波动所表现的货币不同
③  实行的国家不同
④  买入卖出汇率标示的位置不同
【单选题】 8.国际债务危机的内因有( )
①  外债规模过大
②  国际利率上浮
③  外债结构不合理
④  商业银行政策改变
【单选题】 15.在物价下跌的条件下,保持实际利率不变,应把名义利率( )
①  调低
②  调高
③  保持不变
④  与实际利率对应
【多选题】 下列指标中属于时点指标的有
①  某地区人口数
②  某校毕业生人数
③  某农场拖拉机台数
④  某企业某月产品产量
⑤  某企业月末在册职工人数
【单选题】 处理不重要也不紧急的工作时,效果可能较好的处理冲突的方式是( )。
①  竞争
②  合作
③  妥协
④  回避
【单选题】 目前国外流行的社会调查研究的哲学理论基础主要是()。
①  人本主义
②  实证主义
③  辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义
④  逻辑主义
【单选题】 抽样存在的必要性缘于总体本身所具有的()。
①  普遍性
②  复杂性
③  同质性
④  异质性
【单选题】 32、关于样本某一变量的综合描述叫()。
①  统计值
②  平均值
③  估计值
④  参数值