He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
【单选题】 His final success ( ) his years of hard work.
①  depends on
②  focuses on
③  concentrates on
④  dwells on
【单选题】 His success[填空] hard work.
①  is due to
②  due
③  due to
④  is due
【单选题】 He his success to good luck.
①  adds
②  owes
③  apologizes
④  limits
【单选题】 I think his hard work will _______ big success in the end.
①  take up
②  put out
③  get by
④  result in
【单选题】 A few minutes later, Jim heard his name called. He knew it was his turn to be____________ .
①  examine
②  examines
③  examined
④  examining
【单选题】 19. He tried to _____ from his memory what he knew of his former neighbor..
①  think of
②  remember
③  summon
④  gave way
【单选题】 He found it hard to ( ) his studies in such a noisy environment.
①  devote to
②  dwell on
③  concentrate on
④  depend on
【单选题】 As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
①  access
②  commitment
③  opportunity
④  reward
【单选题】 The letters for the boss __________ on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.
①  were put
②  was put
③  put
④  has put
【单选题】 As a great innovator in American literature, Walt Whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional style which is now called free verse, which is ______.
①  lyrical poetry with chanting refrains
②  poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme
③  poetry without rhymes at the end of the lines but with a fixed beat
④  poetry in an irregular metric form and expressing noble feelings
【单选题】 改善混凝土拌和物合易性外加剂的是()。
①  缓凝剂
②  早强剂
③  引气剂
④  速凝剂
【单选题】 梁内箍筋不宜采用()级钢筋。
①  HPB235
②  HPB300
③  HRB335
④  HRB400
【单选题】 自生产安全事故发生之日起()内,事故造成的伤亡人数发生变化的,应当及时补报。
①  10日
②  20日
③  30日
④  60日
【单选题】 《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,在使用承租的施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施前,应当组织施工总承包单位、分包单位、()和安装单位共同进行验收。
①  专业承包单位
②  劳务分包单位
③  出租单位
④  监理单位
【单选题】 固定动火作业场应布置在可燃材料堆场及其加工场、易燃易爆危险品库房等( )。
①  全年最小频率风向的上风侧
②  全年最小频率风向的下风侧
③  全年最大频率风向的上风侧
④  全年最大频率风向的下风侧
【单选题】 ()是整个环境保护工作中重要的一环。
①  人与环境和谐相处
②  消耗自然资源
③  施工周期长
④  大型机具配合
【单选题】 下列关于掺防水剂水泥砂浆防水施工的说法中,错误的是()。
①  施工工艺流程为:找平层施工→防水层施工→质量检查
②  当施工采用抹压法时,先在基层涂刷一层1∶0.4的水泥浆,随后分层铺抹防水砂浆,每层厚度为10~15mm,总厚度不小于30mm
③  氯化铁防水砂浆施工时,底层防水砂浆抹完12h后,抹压面层防水砂浆,其厚13mm分两遍抹压
④  防水层施工时的环境温度为5~35℃
【单选题】 建筑物内垃圾应采用()的方式清运,严禁凌空抛掷。
①  专用敞开式垃圾道
②  专用封闭式垃圾道
③  专用半封闭式垃圾道
④  专用敞开式容器
【单选题】 混凝土配合比设计时必须按耐久性要求校核()。
①  砂率
②  单位水泥用量
③  浆集比
④  水灰比
【单选题】 甲建筑材料公司聘请王某担任推销员,双方签订劳动合同,合同中约定如果王某完成承包标准,每月基本工资1000元,超额部分按40%提成,若不完成任务,可由公司扣减工资。下列选项中表述正确的是()。
①  甲建筑材料公司不得扣减王某工资
②  由于在试用期内,所以甲建筑材料公司的做法是符合《劳动合同法》的
③  甲公司可以扣发王某的工资,但是不得低于用人单位所在地的最低工资标准
④  试用期内的工资不得低于本单位相同岗位的最低档工资