Kate works _______ she used to.
hard than
as harder as
as hard as
more harder than
【单选题】 If Linda had practised hard enough last week,she______ more confident on the stage now.
①  would have been
②  had been
③  is
④  would be
【单选题】 One can’t learn a language well, ________ he works hard.
①  if
②  and
③  unless
④  because
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than ____.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【单选题】 Before she left to have a holiday, she_______ hard.
①  worked
②  has worked
③  had worked
【单选题】 He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.
①  resolved
②  resorted
③  requested
④  reserved
【单选题】 Our food and service are better than _____ used to be.
①  it
②  we
③  they
④  them
【单选题】 To answer correctly is more important than________.
①  that you finish quickly
②  finishing quickly
③  to finish quickly
④  finish quickly
【判断题】 Amy is more stronger than that girl.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Now soil in this area is [填空] than it used to be. Something must be done to it.
①  very good
②  much better
③  rather than
④  even worse
【单选题】 Tom ____more than twenty pounds on the novel.
①  spent
②  paid
③  cost
④  took
【单选题】 蛛网膜下腔麻醉和硬膜外麻醉时,常伴有血压下降,可用()预防
①  异丙肾上腺素
②  肾上腺素
③  去甲肾上腺素
④  麻黄碱
⑤  多巴胺
【单选题】 属酯类局麻药,具有很好的脂溶性,穿透力强,吸收迅速,作表面麻醉效果好的是
①  布比卡因
②  普卡因
③  丁卡因
④  阿替卡因
⑤  利多卡因
【单选题】 肾上腺素的临床安全有效浓度为1:()
①  200000-100000
②  250000-200000
③  500000-250000
④  750000-500000
⑤  1000000-750000
【单选题】 不能用作表面麻醉的是
①  普鲁卡因
②  利多卡因
③  阿替卡因
④  丁卡因
⑤  (null)
【单选题】 吗啡中毒表现除外
①  昏迷
②  呼吸高度抑制
③  针尖样瞳孔
④  肌张力增加
⑤  血压明显降低
【单选题】 属于选择性COX-2抑制剂的是
①  吲哚美辛
②  布洛芬
③  美洛昔康
④  双氯芬酸钠
⑤  氨基比林
【单选题】 非甾体抗炎药抗炎作用是通过下列哪项机制产生的
①  抑制细胞生长
②  抑制叶酸代谢
③  抑制淋巴细胞和单核细胞
④  抑制环氧化酶减少前列腺素的合成
⑤  抑制细胞因子的产生
【单选题】 习惯称为安定的药物是
①  戊巴比妥
②  地西泮
③  苯巴比妥
④  水合氯醛
⑤  苯妥英钠
【单选题】 与苯二氮?类无关的作用是
①  长期大量应用产生依赖性
②  大量使用产生锥体外系症状
③  有镇静催眠作用
④  有抗惊厥作用
⑤  中枢性骨骼肌松弛作用
【单选题】 苯二氮?类和苯巴比妥作用的相同点不包括
①  均有镇静催眠作用
②  均有成瘾性
③  均可用于惊厥治疗
④  作用原理均可能涉及GABA受体
⑤  均有中枢性骨骼肌松弛作用