we desire that the tour leader __________ us immediately of any changes in plans.
has informed
【单选题】 The man was informed ____ the arrival of the new products. ?
①  to ?
②  on ?
③  of ?
④  with?
【单选题】 The computer has brought about surprising technological changes ____ we organize and produce information.
①  in a way
②  in the way
③  in that way
④  in no way
【单选题】 They will inform him ____ any progress they make in the experiment.
①  about
②  on
③  of
④  with
【单选题】 This ______,we all went home immediately.
①  did
②  done
③  does
④  do
【单选题】 Since the matter was extremely _____, we dealt with it immediately.
①  tough
②  tense
③  urgent
④  instant
【单选题】 26. We regret to inform you that the materials you ordered are out of____ .
①  work
②  reach
③  practice
④  stock
【单选题】 We talked of our plans to wed and start a family, once we were settled in Los Angeles, and we listened to the rain.
①  A. 我们打算一旦在洛杉矶站住脚,就结婚,开始新的生活。我们议论着,外头还下着雨。
②  B. 一旦在洛杉矶落住脚,我们就打算结婚,开始新的生活。我们议论着,还听着外头的雨声。
③  C. 我们打算一旦在洛杉矶站住脚,就结婚,组织家庭。我们一面议论,一面听着外头的雨声。
④  D. 一旦在洛杉矶落住脚,我们就打算结婚,建立家庭。我们一面议论着,而且一面听着外头的雨声。
【单选题】 2.Should any critical issue _______ the negotiation with foreign company, immediately report to the manager for advice.
①  arise from
②  interact
③  ensure
④  . make
【单选题】 If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ____ great it is.
①  what
②  how
③  however
④  whatever
【单选题】 We ran to the trees, we couldnt see any more monkeys.
①  but
②  for
③  so
④  and
【单选题】 医患双方争执的核心是()问题
①  A对错
②  B说服力的强弱
③  C费用
④  D健康
【单选题】 因抢救急危患者,未能及时书写病历的,有关医务人员应当在抢救结束后()小时内据实补记,并加以注明
①  A3
②  B4
③  C5
④  D6
【判断题】 止血带止血法适用于任何四肢出血
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 骨折固定的范围应包括骨折远近端的两个关节
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 学习医学,只要学会解刨学就可以了
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 细胞膜的结构在电镜下分为内、中、外三层结构
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 视觉传导路的第3级神经元细胞体在内侧膝状体。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当强碱的浓度相同时突跃范围的大小与弱酸的强度有关。酸愈强则滴定突跃范围也愈大。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 滴定终点和化学计量点越接近越好,由于两者不一致所产生的误差叫做滴定误差。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 医疗机构必须按照人民政府或者物价部门的有关规定收取医疗费用,详列细项,并出具收据
①  正确
②  错误