He said he would continue a support us _____ we didn’t break the rules.
as well as
as soon as
as far as
as long as
【单选题】 He said he would continue a support us we didn’t break the rules.
①  as well as
②  as soon as
③  as far as
④  as long as
【单选题】 He said he would never be intimidated _____ what he didn’t like by big names and authorities.
①  do
②  to do
③  did
④  into doing
【单选题】 06. He spoke so quickly that I didn t _________ what he said.
①  makefor
②  makesure
③  makeover
④  makeout
【单选题】 When he was 65,he[填空] that he didn’t want to stop
①  decided
②  decides
③  will decide
④  is deciding
【单选题】 It was clear that much of what he said was far ____ the truth.
①  for
②  from
③  at
④  to
【单选题】 He didn’t pass the final examination. He ______ it.
①  must have prepared for
②  ought to prepare
③  ought to have prepared for
④  ought to prepare to
【单选题】 We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____________office soon.
①  leaves
②  would leave
③  left
④  had left
【单选题】 Having no money but _______ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
①  not to want anyone
②  not wanting anyone
③  wanted no one
④  to want no one
【单选题】 It won’t be long ____ we know each other well.
①  after
②  until
③  when
④  before
【单选题】 5.Nobody would believe his words though he said he was ______ of the crime.
①  pure
②  clear
③  innocent
④  guilty
【单选题】 对于进攻者来说,随着入侵阶段的上升,其退出障碍越高,所以防御行动最好是在( )
①  准进入阶段
②  进入阶段
③  持续阶段
④  后进入阶段
【单选题】 战略与结构的关系的基本原则是
①  战略服从于结构
②  结构服从于战略
③  战略与结构并列
④  产生共同愿景
【单选题】 企业在生产某种产品或服务的过程中,随着公司积累的经验的增加而生产单位产品的成本不断下降,这种现象被称之为( )。
①  经验曲线
②  成本曲线
③  成本优势
④  成本领先战略
【单选题】 理发等个人服务业属于下列哪种属性的行业(???)
①  全球市场行业
②  多国市场行业
③  大宗贸易市场行业
④  纯国内市场行业
【单选题】 现有产品与现有市场领域组合而产生的一种企业成长战略是
①  市场渗透战略
②  市场开发战略
③  产品开发战略
④  多元化战略
【单选题】 经典战略理论缺陷之一是忽视了对企业竞争环境进行分析与选择,在一定程度上弥补这一缺陷的是
①  钱德勒
②  安索夫
③  安德鲁斯
④  波特
【单选题】 当购买商们具有较强的讨价还价能力时,从该行业购买的产品应该属于标准化的产品,或是(?? )?。
①  差异产品
②  无差别的产品
③  同质产品
④  类似产品
【判断题】 方程个数等于未知数个数的齐次线性方程组,有非零解得充要条件是系数矩阵的行列式等于零
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 含有m个向量的向量组线性无关的充要条件是其秩为m
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 行列式的某两行(列)元素相同时,其值为零
①  正确
②  错误