The match was cancelled because most of the members __________ a match without a standard court.
objected to having
objected to have
were objected to have
were objected to having
【单选题】 The match was canceled because most of the members______a match without a standard court.
①  objected to having
②  were objected to have
③  objected to have
④  were objected to having
【单选题】 The suggestion they all objected to __________ very effective finally.
①  proved
②  proving
③  prove
④  to prove
【单选题】 The suggestion they all objected to __________ very effective finally.
①  proved
②  prove
③  proving
④  to prove
【单选题】 Her parents objected to ____ that farmer, though he has a lot of money.?
①  her marrying ?
②  marrying ?
③  marry ?
④  her marrying with?
【单选题】 The family were having dinner when the ______ buzzer of the door sounded.
①  quiet@muted
②  silent
③  low
【单选题】 When we were having a party, the host _______ the bad news.
①  was telling
②  was told
③  could tell
【单选题】 The open university was started in order to help those who ___ having a university education when they were young.
①  stopped
②  failed
③  missed
④  ceased
【单选题】 A: Were having a few people over for dinner Saturday. [填空] B: Oh, thank you. That would be great.
①  Are you doing anything then?
②  Wed love to have you around.
③  Itll be a lot of fun.
④  Have you heard about it?
【单选题】 Of course, most immigrants did not get rich overnight, but the ____ of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living.
①  maximum
②  minority
③  majority
④  minimum
【单选题】 The millions of circulations involved, _____ by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished.
①  had they been done
②  they had been done
③  having been done
④  they were done
【单选题】 ( )是职业发展管理中最关键的一项工作,它确定员工职业发展的大方向和总体计划。
①  职业辅导
②  职业锚的确定
③  职业咨询
④  实现个人目标
【单选题】 ( )将各种设计结合起来,这样做的好处是可以把干扰培训效果的其他因素的影响减少到最低限度。
①  前测后测-对照组设计
②  前测-后测设计
③  所罗门四组设计
④  时间序列设计
【单选题】 根据自己设定的长远的职业生涯目标,将大目标分解成一些子目标,按子目标的落实思想和策略制定具体的日程表,再分析实现的步骤、程序、检查办法等,通过实现小目标,最后实现长远目标的。上面这段话是对( )的解释。
①  职业生涯管理
②  职业设计
③  职业生涯规划
④  职业管理
【单选题】 培训成果转化的理论中,( )强调重点是培训环境与工作环境完全相同,适用条件是工作环境特点可预测并稳定。
①  同因素理论
②  激励推广理论
③  认知转化理论
④  异因素理论
【单选题】 根据培训有效性评估侧重点的不同,可以将评估分为两类:一类为过程评估,一类为( )。
①  结果评估
②  专项评估
③  综合评估
④  绩效评估
【单选题】 基于发展中心的领导胜任力发展的三个阶段——迁移、( )、重构一般会依次出现。
①  混沌
②  心象
③  顿悟
④  强化
【单选题】 职业经理人职业生涯管理的第一步是( )。
①  可行性分析
②  设置目标
③  设计方案
④  实施方案
【单选题】 企业防范培训风险,应根据( )原则考虑培训成本的分摊。
①  利益获得
②  利益均沾
③  利益补偿
④  利益均等
【单选题】 ( )对刚接受培训就将培训内容用于工作中的行为加以表扬,当员工在应用培训内容出错时,它不会当众责难,而是个别指出并帮助寻找原因和解决方法。
①  培训师
②  同事
③  企业高层管理者
④  管理者
【单选题】 ( )指的是在培训效果评估中雇员因为受到关注而表现出来的高绩效。
①  学习曲线
②  前测与后测
③  所罗门四小组
④  霍桑效应