_________ is no reason for dismissing him.
Because he was a few minutes late
Owing to a few minutes being late
The fact that he was a few minutes late
Being a few minutes late
【单选题】 The train______she was traveling was five minutes late.
①  that
②  which
③  on that
④  on which
【单选题】 A few minutes later, Jim heard his name called. He knew it was his turn to be____________ .
①  examine
②  examines
③  examined
④  examining
【单选题】 Do plan to arrive ______or a few minutes early for a job interview.
①  no time
②  on time
③  all the time
④  at a time
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He ________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he ________ back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 Now Mike isn’t here. He _______ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______back in a few minutes.
①  went to ; is coming
②  has gone to ; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to ; has come
【单选题】 The bus is late and Julie is cold. She____ for the bus for 10 minutes.
①  waits
②  waited
③  has been waiting
④  has waited
【单选题】 10.Now Mike isn’t here. He _________ Mr. Green’s. Perhaps he _______ back in a few minutes.
①  went to; is coming
②  has gone to; will come
③  has been to ; will be
④  is going to; has come
【判断题】 A: Sorry, Mr. Thomas left here just a few minutes ago. B: May I take a message?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I___ here only a few minutes.
①  have been
②  had been
③  was
④  will be
【单选题】 He is late again today. I’ll ____ that he will not be late tomorrow.
①  refer to it
②  look to him
③  see to it
④  turn to it
【多选题】 A: Im sorry for being late.B:___________
①  It doesnt matter.
②  Never mind.
③  No problem.
④  Forget it.
【判断题】 定额法是一种单纯计算产品实际成本的成本计算方法。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 按完工产品和月末在产品数量比例分配计算完工产品和月末在产品的原材料费用,必须具备的条件是( )。
①  原材料随生产进度陆续投入
②  原材料在生产开始时一次投入
③  原材料消耗定额比较准确稳定
④  产品成本中原材料费用比重较大
【单选题】 如果企业产品的消耗定额比较准确、稳定,各月末在产品数量变化较小,产品成本中原材料费用所占比重较大,为了简化成本计算,月末在产品可以 ( )。
①  按定额成本计价
②  按所耗原材料费用计价
③  按定额原材料费用计价
④  按定额加工费用计价
【单选题】 在辅助生产内部相互提供劳务不多的情况下,辅助生产费用的分配可以采用较为简便的方法是 ( ) 。
①  顺序分配法
②  交互分配法
③  直接分配法
④  计划成本分配法
【多选题】 下面几种说法正确的是( )。
①  制造费用月末结转后一般无余额
②  制造费用按车间开设明细账
③  机器设备的折旧计入制造费用
④  制造费用不一定全部是间接性生产费用
【多选题】 采用平行结转分步法,不能提供( )。
①  各步骤在产品成本的资料
②  各步骤完工半成品成本的资料
③  所耗上步骤半成品成本的资料
④  各步骤应计入产成品成本份额的资料
【判断题】 分批法适用于大量大批的单步骤生产。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 当定额提高时,定额变动差异则是上升的。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 基本生产车间管理人员的薪酬费用,应记入的账户是( )。
①  “基本生产成本”
②  “制造费用”
③  “销售费用”
④  “管理费用”
【单选题】 在产品的盘亏,在批准后,除了各种赔款计入“其他应收款”之外,其余部分应该计入( )账户。
①  “管理费用”账户
②  “销售费用”账户
③  “财务费用”账户
④  “制造费用”账户