Children are very curious .
at heart
in person
on purpose
by nature
【单选题】 She was __________ a very affectionate person.
①  at heart
②  in person
③  on purpose
④  by nature
【单选题】 The children all have very different( ) .
①  personalities
②  persons
③  private
④  humans
【单选题】 I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.
①  seldom
②  ever
③  never
④  always
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To predict how children under the future educational system would feel
②  to tell us a story about Tommy and Maggie
③  to display the availability of the net courses
【单选题】 1. The authors purpose of writing
①  To describe a planes jolt
②  To tell the readers a story about the lightning.
③  To narrate the authors personal experience during an accident.
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To point out the disadvantages of having only one child.
②  To display the disadvantages of having only one child.
③  To raise a controversial problem with its probable causes and effects
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the authors grandparents were honest.
②  To explain what Integrity Triad realy embodies.
③  To demonstrate the authors grandparents motto
【单选题】 1.The authors purpose of writing
①  To show the cruelty of AIDS
②  To explain the cause of AIDS
③  To illustrate the right attitude one should adopt towards AIDS patients
【单选题】 32.The pupils were struck by ___beauty of nature.
①  X
②  a
③  the
④  an
【单选题】 She is sympathetic by nature and _______ is always ready to help others.
①  who
②  whom
③  that
④  \
【单选题】 可制备注射用水和洗涤容器用的水是
①  自来水
②  矿泉水
③  湖水
④  深井水
⑤  纯化水
【判断题】 中药制剂生产过程管理分为生产文件管理、生产流程管理、生产过程管理等三个方面。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 与溶剂润湿药材表面无关的因素是
①  浓度差
②  药材性质
③  浸提压力大小
④  溶剂的性质
⑤  接触面积大小
【判断题】 已上市5年以上,只是改变剂型、改变用药途径,仍然属于新药。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 普通玻璃可以吸收紫外线,故玻璃容器中的药物可采用紫外线灭菌法灭菌。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国《药品生产质量管理规范》实施指南规定,产品灭菌效果的F0值应≥8.0。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 用具表面和空气灭菌应采用
①  滤过除菌法
②  UV灭菌法
③  热压灭菌法
④  流通蒸汽灭菌法
⑤  化学药剂灭菌法
【单选题】 中国现行药典是
①  1977年版
②  1990年版
③  2005年版
④  2010年版
⑤  2015年版
【判断题】 GMP是指在药品生产全过程中,运用科学、合理、规范化的条件和方法,以确保生产优良药品的一整套系统的、科学的管理办法。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 辅料一般分为赋形剂与附加剂,其中主要作为药物载体,不可影响药物有效成分含量的测定。
①  正确
②  错误