At midnight, he received a telephone call and was asked to meet at once.
【单选题】 I received his mother’ s telephone call at eleven. _____ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday.
①  Then did I know
②  Only then I knew
③  Only then did I know
④  Only then knew I
【单选题】 Her wish was that he __________ at Beijing University at once.
①  studies
②  studied
③  study
④  will study
【判断题】 答题说明:句子没有语法错误请选择“正确”,有语法错误请选择“错误”Hardly he had entered the room when he was asked to leave the room at once.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 You’d better ________ to hospital at once.
①  go
②  to
③  going
④  gone
【单选题】 It was required that the crops [填空] harvested at once.
①  be
②  will be
③  are
④  being
【单选题】 Danny left this ____ message on my answering machine: “I must see you. Meet me at twelve o’clock.” Did he mean noon or midnight?
①  ambiguous
②  responsible
③  implicit
④  thoughtful
【单选题】 My suggestion is that Tom _____ to see a doctor at once.
①  go
②  goes
③  will go
④  going
【单选题】 You’ll be late, ______ you start at once.
①  or
②  if
③  and
④  unless
【单选题】 The woman was innocent and the judge insisted that she______at once.
①  be set free
②  be setting free;
③  was set free
④  set free
【单选题】 His manner was so pleasant that Bolla felt at ____ with him at once.
①  peace
②  large
③  ease
④  best
【多选题】 职业倦怠对个人的危害性表现为( )
①  A.对个人成就不利
②  B.影响个人精神状态
③  C.亚健康
④  D.影响生活质量
【多选题】 爱情的特点除了成熟性,还有()
①  A.相异性
②  B.生理性
③  C.高级性
④  D.利他性
【多选题】 低情商个体的心理缺陷程度较为突出,主要表现为:()
①  A.缺乏自信
②  B.目标明确
③  C.人际关系能力差
④  D.很少考虑他人感受
【多选题】 青少年在青春期时,身体和生理机能发生的急剧变化主要表现在()。
①  A.外形变化
②  B.内脏机能成熟
③  C.性格的成熟
④  D.性的成熟
【多选题】 职业倦怠的认知改变是指( )
①  A.改变对职业的认识
②  B.明确自己的能力和机会
③  C.重新规划和定位
④  D.等没有压力了就会改变
【多选题】 良好的洗手习惯包括()。
①  A.制备食物前要洗手
②  B.饭前便后要洗手
③  C.外出回家后先洗手
④  D.用清洁的流动水和肥皂洗手
【多选题】 地震时,如果身处楼房高层,正确的做法是迅速跑到()。
①  A.阳台上
②  B.坚固的家具旁
③  C.承重墙的内墙角
④  D.开间小的房间
【单选题】 当前人工智能重点聚焦()大领域。
①  A.6
②  B.7
③  C.8
④  D.9
【单选题】 惠普领导层鼓励员工选择自己的未来,说明( )
①  A.用统一的价值观进行管理
②  B.严格的用人、选人以及考察人的机制
③  C.领导者身体力行的示范
④  D.运用职业化意识进行管理
【单选题】 职业角色与定位不清会导致( )
①  A.学会换位思考
②  B.工作压力减弱
③  C.角色冲突与角色模糊
④  D.各方面的工作都懂一些