Although Mary is satisfied with her success, she wonders __________ will happen to he private life.
【单选题】 She wonders ____will happen to her private life in the future.
①  that
②  it
③  this
④  what
【单选题】 She got married although her parents had not given her their ___.
①  allowance
②  consent
③  permit
④  appreciation
【单选题】 she described it as the most ( ) experience of her life.
①  horrendous
②  horrendously
③  better@easier
【单选题】 14. Mary is _______ to what others think of her.
①  sensitive
②  sensational
③  sensory
④  sensible
【判断题】 A: Who is She? B: Her name is Susan.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 He studied hard in his youth, __________ contributed to his great success in later life.
①  that
②  it
③  what
④  which
【单选题】 Though ____ rich, she was better off than at any other period in her life.
①  by means of
②  within her means
③  by all means
④  by no means
【判断题】 新闻六要素包括:what who when where why how。
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 30. Mary is ______ hardworking than her sister, but she failed in the exam.
①  no less
②  no more
③  not less
④  not so
【单选题】 I was satisfied with her explanation, ______.
①  so my classmates were
②  so were my classmates
③  so my classmates did
④  so did my classmates
【单选题】 甲有天然奇石一块,不慎丢失。乙误以为无主物捡回家,配以基座,陈列于客厅。乙的朋友丙十分喜欢,乙遂以之相赠。后甲发现,向丙追索。下列选项正确的是
①  奇石属遗失物,乙应返还给甲
②  奇石属无主物,乙取得其所有权
③  乙因加工行为取得奇石的所有权
④  丙可以取得奇石的所有权
【单选题】 下列属于主物权的是
①  留置权
②  地役权
③  地上权
④  抵押权
【单选题】 根据我国《物权法》规定,下列各项中,不属于物权的是
①  土地承包经营权
②  建设用地使用权
③  典权
④  海域使用权
【单选题】 关于“物权”中的“物”,说法错误的是
①  原则上为有体物,也可以是无体物
②  包括知识产权
③  须是特定物
④  须是独立物
【单选题】 下列情形违背一物一权原则的是
①  所有权与他物权并存
②  在同一物上设立数个内容相同的担保物权
③  甲以取得的出让土地使用权向乙银行设定抵押权以取得贷款
④  甲乙共有一台笔记本电脑
【单选题】 1993年甲将自己的房屋作价2万转让于乙,乙略加修缮,居住一年后以4万的价格转让于丙,丙居住一年后又以5万的价格转让于丁。以上几次转让均未办理私房过户手续。后房价上涨,四人对该房屋所有权发生争议。该房所有权应属于
【单选题】 下列选项中取得所有权是基于公信原则的有
①  甲在垃圾堆拾取他人抛弃的旧物
②  甲从市场上以正常价格买到一件赃物
③  甲从乙处买得一台电脑
④  甲误将乙的房登记为自己的房,后甲将此房转让给丙,甲丙之间办理房屋过户手续,丙取得该房所有权
【多选题】 下列行为中属于侵犯姓名权的有
①  干涉
②  盗用
③  假冒
④  父母为未成年子女取名字
【多选题】 下列民事权利中,不属于人格权系列的有
①  生命权、身体权、健康权、隐私权
②  生命权、健康权、亲属权、名誉权
③  身体权、健康权、监护权、名誉权
④  姓名权、肖像权、监护权、名誉权
【多选题】 依据我国的规定,公民的()受到侵害的,有权要求侵害人赔偿损失。
①  姓名权
②  肖像权
③  名誉权
④  荣誉权