Can you turn down the radio, please?
Oh, I know
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud
I’ll keep it down next time
Please forgive me
【单选题】 Oh, I’m sorry. But I promise I’ll be careful next time.
①  It’s nothing at all
②  Oh, never min
③  It doesn’t matter
④  Thank you
⑤  There are no questions
【单选题】 I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me.____________
①  Not too bad.
②  Never mind.
③  It’s a pleasure.
④  Thank you.
【单选题】 What is reflected as important in the following example? A. Would you please turn down the radio a little bit? B. Sorry. ↘ (no, I do not want to.) Or B. Sorry? ↗ (what did you say?)
①  Stress
②  Intonation
③  Sounds
④  Pitch Part
【单选题】 —I’m sorry to keep you waiting. —Oh, not at all. I___ here only a few minutes.
①  have been
②  had been
③  was
④  will be
【单选题】 A: I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me. B: [填空].
①  You are wrong
②  You are welcome
③  Thats all right
④  Thats OK
【单选题】 Please drop in whenever you can.. I’d like to keep _________ touch..
①  in
②  to
③  on
④  with
【单选题】 -I’m sorry I broke your mirror.-Oh, really? ____.
①  It’s OK with me
②  It doesnt matter
③  Don’t be sorry
④  I don’t care
【单选题】 Sorry, I can’t find the books you asked for.____________
①  Don’t mention it.
②  It’s your fault.
③  Thanks anyway.
④  I won’t forgive you.
【判断题】 “Don’t panic; just hold on that rock and I’ll come and fetch you down.”
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 I don’t know you want to keep the letter, I’ve _____it up.
①  torn
②  given
③  broken
④  disposed
【判断题】 7.5KW以上三相异步电动机启动不需要其它设备可以直接启动?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 电流互感器的作用是将电路中流过的大电流变换成小电流供电给测量仪表和继电器的电流线圈用的吗?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 直流电机由静止的定子和旋转的转子两大部分组成吗?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 三相同步发电机并入电网运行必须具备4个条件?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 自耦变压器仅有一个绕组,其一次、二次绕组之间既有磁的耦合,又有电的联系吗?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 变压器运行时,当可变损耗(铜耗)等于不变损耗(铁耗)时,变压器的效率最高,所以负载系数等于1 ?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 感应电势与磁场、导体运动速度之间的关系符合右手定则吗?
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 永磁同步电动机的转子是由永久磁铁做成的?
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 在T—n的直角坐标系中,异步电机电动运行的机械特性位于?
①  第一,二象限
②  第一,三象限
③  第一,四象限
④  第二,四象限
【单选题】 能耗制动过程和能耗制动运行相同点是?
①  可以停车
②  继续运行
③  吸收电能
④  不吸收电能