Can I help you with your suitcase?
I have no idea
No, no. I can carry it myself
That’s a good idea
Thank you. I can manage myself
【单选题】 I really appreciate ____ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.
①  you to offer
②  that you offer
③  your offering
④  that you are offering
【单选题】 Can I help you with the bag?
①  No, no. I can take it myself
②  Thank you
③  Sorry, you can’t
④  No, I’m all right
【单选题】 Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?
①  Speaking, please
②  I’d like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 “Can I help you?” “Well, I’m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ____ thank you all the same.”
①  and
②  so
③  but
④  or
【单选题】 — Good morning, Dr Johnsons office. Can I help you?— _______________________.
①  Speaking, please
②  Id like to make an appointment, please
③  Yes, go on
④  No, you cant
【单选题】 I can finish the assignment_______myself.
①  by
②  on
③  with
【单选题】 A: Can I help you? B: [填空]. Where do I pay my fees?
①  Thank you
②  As you please
③  Yes, you can
④  Yes, please
【单选题】 Can I have the records [填空] I lent you?
①  that
②  whom
③  those
④  whose
【单选题】 —Hello there, what can I do for you, sir?—_____________________.
①  I can do it myself.
②  No, youre welcome.
③  I would like to buy a pair of glasses.
④  Yes, thank you.
【单选题】 Can I have a look at your passport?
①  It is here
②  Here is it
③  Here you are
④  No, you can’t
【单选题】 羟基香豆素类在紫外光下多显()荧光
①  黄色
②  蓝色
③  紫色
④  黄绿色
⑤  红色
【判断题】 常用来提取中药制剂中总皂苷的溶剂是正丁醇
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 用薄层色谱法鉴别含生物碱的中药制剂时 常用的吸附剂为硅胶和氧化铝
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 香豆素类成分可采用荧光法进行定性定量分析
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 中药制剂中黄酮类成分薄层色谱法鉴别时,常采用硅胶为吸附剂
①  正确
②  错误
【多选题】 鉴别蒽醌类成分可采用
①  显色法
②  TLC法
③  HPLC法
④  荧光分析法
⑤  以上都可
【多选题】 中药制剂中,单萜、倍半萜类成分常用的提取方法有
①  酸性溶剂提取法
②  水蒸气蒸馏法
③  溶剂提取法
④  升华法(具有升华性的)
⑤  以上都是
【多选题】 中药制剂中生物碱的成分定性鉴别的方法可采用
①  沉淀法
②  薄层色谱法
③  气相色谱法
④  氧化还原法
⑤  液相色谱分析法
【多选题】 比色法测定总皂苷含量时常用的显色剂有
①  高氯酸
②  香草醛-硫酸
③  香草醛-高氯酸
④  醋酐-硫酸
⑤  浓硫酸
【单选题】 三萜类化合物一般由()个碳原子组成
①  15个
②  20个
③  25个
④  30个
⑤  35个