, the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
By now
As usual
So far
At most
【单选题】 , the sales manager began his report with the statistics of last month’s sales.
①  By now
②  As usual
③  So far
④  At most
【单选题】 The manager said that there were two reasons______ our sales dropped sharply last year.
①  because
②  since
③  why
④  while
【单选题】 She works in sales and ( ).
①  communication
②  mark
③  markers
④  marketing
【单选题】 I hurt my knee, so I stopped _______ football last month.
①  playing
②  play
③  to play
【单选题】 It’s quite different from _____ I read last month.
①  that
②  which
③  the one
④  the one what
【单选题】 Lily is responsible [填空] sales.
①  in
②  on
③  at
④  for
【多选题】 _____________ , he began to write a report.
①  Finish the exploration
②  Having finished the exploration
③  The exploration finished
④  The exploration finish
【单选题】 It wasn’t until nearly a month later ___ I received the manager’s reply.
①  since
②  when
③  as
④  that
【单选题】 Train services are now back to ____after last week’s strike.?
①  ordinary ?
②  usual ?
③  normal ?
④  natural?
【单选题】 Hes responsible____the Sales Department.
①  for
②  to
③  with
④  on
【判断题】 将石灰加入砂浆中,提高砂浆的可塑性,改善保水性。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 冷拉可以提高钢的抗拉强度.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 下列碳素结构钢中含碳量最高的是( )。
①  Q235-AF
②  Q215
③  Q255
④  Q27524
【单选题】 下列钢材中,塑性及可焊性均最好的为( )。
①  Q215
②  Q275
③  Q235
④  Q255
【单选题】 有抗冻要求的混凝土施工时宜选择的外加剂为( )。
①  缓凝剂
②  阻锈剂
③  引气剂
④  速凝剂
【单选题】 冬季混凝土施工时宜优先考虑的外加剂为( )。
①  缓凝剂
②  早强剂
③  防冻剂
④  速凝剂
【判断题】 石灰的耐水性较好,可以用于潮湿环境及受水侵蚀部位。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 随含碳量提高,碳素结构钢的强度、塑性均提高。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 贮存生石灰,要防止受潮,且不宜贮存太久。一般运到现场后,立即熟化,变贮存期为陈伏期。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 我国北方有抗冻和抗渗要求的混凝土工程宜优先选用火山灰水泥。
①  正确
②  错误