Her wish was that he __________ at Beijing University at once.
will study
【判断题】 Before he began to study in the university, he had worked in a company for three years.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 His parents did not approve of his plan to go and study abroad with a girl they had never met, but he ____ and married her.
①  went against
②  went for
③  went for nothing
④  went ahead
【单选题】 As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.
①  access
②  commitment
③  opportunity
④  reward
【单选题】 He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.
①  resolved
②  resorted
③  requested
④  reserved
【单选题】 A: I was born in Hefei,but I studied in Beijing. [填空]? B: I was born in Beijing,but studied in Hefei.
①  What do you do
②  And you
③  Where were you
④  Do you
【单选题】 3. He admits that playing computer games sometimes____ him ____his study.
①  distracts--from
②  attracts--from
③  distracts--to
④  attracts--to
【单选题】 ______,the boy doesnt study well.
①  As clever he is
②  Clever as he is
③  He is as clever
④  As he is clever
【判断题】 Tommy enjoys to study opera.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 A: Where does he come from? B: [填空], but her accent suggests Beijing.
①  Im sure
②  Im not sure
③  Perhaps
④  Maybe
【单选题】 Some Italian scholars stressed the study of grammar, rhetoric, ____and poetry.
①  learning history
②  history
③  study of history
④  history learning
【单选题】 按照工程概预算的编制方法和程序,单项工程概预算造价的计算公式为()。
①  各单位工程预算价格之和
②  各单位工程概预算价格之和+间接费+利润+税金
③  各单位工程概预算价格之和+规费
④  各单位工程概预算价格之和+设备、工器具购置费
【单选题】 下列投资估算方法中,投资估算精度较高,主要用于可行性研究阶段的是()。
①  生产能力指数法
②  单位生产能力估算法
③  系数估算法
④  指标估算法
【单选题】 在四中纠偏措施中,最易为人们接受的是()。
①  组织措施
②  经济措施
③  技术措施
④  合同措施
【单选题】 在项目建议书阶段,投资估算的误差率应为()。
①  ≤±30%
②  ≤±20%
③  ≤±10%
④  ≤±5%
【单选题】 下列工程项目总投资构成项中,应计入单项工程投资估算指标中的是()。
①  生产家具购置费
②  基本预备费
③  涨价预备费
④  铺底流动资金
【单选题】 城市维护建设税和()。
①  增值税
②  教育费附加
③  所得税
④  进口关税
【单选题】 当某工程工资偏差为正值时,表明()。
①  投资增加
②  投资节约
③  工期拖延
④  工期提前
【单选题】 招标投标的最终目的是签订合同,而合同的订立需要经过要约和承诺两个阶段,则根据《合同法》的规定,下列关于招投标行为法律性质表述正确的是()。
①  招标是要约,投标是承诺
②  招标是要约邀请,投标是要约
③  投标是要约邀请,中标通知是要约
④  招标是要约,中标通知是承诺
【单选题】 工程变更指令通常由()签发。
①  甲方项目经理
②  乙方项目经理
③  监理工程师
④  造价工程师
【多选题】 投资项目财务评价中的不确定性分析有()。
①  盈亏平衡分析
②  增长率分析
③  敏感性分析
④  发展速度分析
⑤  均值分析