To _________ their new shampoo, they are selling it at half price for a month.
【单选题】 This machine is extremely ( ) because it runs on half-price electricity.
①  economic
②  economical
③  economy
④  economist
【单选题】 The new cut in interest rate ____ promote domestic investment.
①  means to
②  directs toward
③  is meant to
④  leads to
【单选题】 The new cut in interest rate _____promote domestic investment.
①  means to
②  directs toward
③  is meant to
④  leads to
【单选题】 His new book___ next month.
①  will be published
②  is publishing
③  is being published
④  has been published
【单选题】 Next month I _______a meeting with an organization in New York.
①  would have
②  am having
③  was having
【单选题】 9.His new book___ next month.
①  will be published
②  is publishing
③  is being published
④  has been published
【判断题】 By?the end of last month, he?had learned?three thousand new words.
①  正确
②  错误
【单选题】 Free ______ of shampoo is distributed from door to door.
①  sample
②  example
③  product
④  stock
【单选题】 We will comprehensively promote () education.
①  high
②  enormous
③  religious
④  well-rounded
【单选题】 All _____ is peace and progress.
①  what is needed
②  for our needs
③  the thing needed
④  that is needed
【判断题】 月份终了,将当月预缴的增值税额自“应交税费—已交增值税”科目转入“未交增值税”科目。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 小规模纳税人只需在“应交税费”科目下设置“简易计税”明细科目。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 购进的材料,如果由于质量不符,给予一部分折让,在采用验货付款的情况下,购货方应向当地主管税务机关索取“证明单”,转交销货方,并根据销货方转来的红字发票联和抵扣联进行相应的账务处理。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 进项税额允许抵扣情况下,企业购进物资,借记“在途物资”或“原材料”等科目,按当月可抵扣增值税额,借记“应交税费—应交增值税(进项税额)”科目,按实际支付的金额,贷记“银行存款”科目。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 “简易计税”明细科目,核算小规模纳税人采用简易计税方法发生的增值税计提、扣减、预缴、缴纳等业务。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 企业购进已抵扣进项的货物,购进后被用于免税项目,其负担的增值税从“进项税额”中转出,随同货物成本记入有关账户。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 小规模纳税人购买物资,取得增值税专用发票上注明的增值税应通过“应交税费—应交增值税”科目核算。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 一般纳税人应在“应交税费"账户下,设置“应交增值税”和“未交增值税”二级账户。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 外购材料退货,在未付款并未做账务处理的情况下,只需将发票联和抵扣联退还给销货方即可。
①  正确
②  错误
【判断题】 购进的货物等已到达并验收入库,但尚未收到增值税扣税凭证并未付款的,应在月末按货物清单或相关合同协议上的价格暂估入账,不需要将增值税的进项税额暂估入账。
①  正确
②  错误